I really hate it when they don't say anything about de-programming.

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I loathe Kobach, and I'm never going to KS again. When my friend and I hid from a rainstorm under an overpass between Kansas City KS and Kansas City MO, the triple rainbow appeared once the rain stopped AFTER we'd left Kansas.

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"Kobach admirably refrained from using the word “shiftless.”

Is "shiftless" one of those words that implies one's race, such as "uppity"? or "The Sheriff is [bong!]"

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Well, who doesn't want a young woman for sex meeting. Maybe you should get Rosetta Stone, and learn the true meaning of "capture Moose and Squirrel".

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"Got it. I'm gonna write that down..."

What a pisser...

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I love how he was completely cool and was only the slightest bit pissy at the end...

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Then fill it with water..

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He also blamed a paramedic, a parapsychologist and a parachute...

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"Jane, you ignorant slut!" [To judge] "OK, that should straighten her out..."

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None of these guys knows how to pose or appear to be working hardest a desk. They have no idea.

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Yes. Yes, he is.

His main accomplishment before the SoS gig was persuading smaller communities (mostly outside Kansas) to hire him to write anti-immigrant ordinances and then hire him again when the ordinances were challenged in court. More than one city owed so much for his services (and sometimes the other side's fees, too) they were budgetarily screwed.

Worse, KKKobach has continued his private pocket-lining while serving as KS secretary of state. With a straight face he essentially uses Cleese's line "I could be arguing on my own time."

Finally he was the front man for the Fraudulent President's Fraudulent Commission on Vote Fraud. "Nuff said.

Totally despicable. Totally.

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I should have done the sarcasm thing. He is absolutely despicable. Voting should be as simple as possible. We shouldn’t throw up roadblocks. If there’s ever anyone who deserves national humiliation, it’s this sob

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Beautiful plumage.

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Because "working hard" is a concept completely foreign. Just like the voters Kobach looks to disenfranchise.

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I thought lumpenfuherer Kobach was a lawer! Have you read his and Von Spazzoutsky`s arguments? It`s like they are morons! How did this churl ever get elected. Hmm...

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Or they will be too weak from hunger to vote...

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