I've never been able to understand why you can't believe in both God and evolution if you want to. I dunno. Maybe Genesis was a parable or an allegory or some other literary device the details of which I am clearly not clear on. But I, like most people, stopped thinking creation actually went down the way it said it did in the Bible at about the same time I stopped thinking Santa Claus was the one bringing the presents. On the other hand, until we can breath life into amino acids or some other of the building blocks of life and turn an inanimate object into something that is alive, Imma gonna say that-the breathing of the life into it thing-was the part of creation that came from God and that evolution was the mechanism he used to get us from the primordial swamp to where we are today. I'd say it was some sort of, I don't know, intelligent design were it not for the abject lack of intelligence I see out there every fucking day.

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Nah, I was born in 81, the Reagan era.

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Thanks, everyone, for the interesting discussion. It looks like I have to go read "Contact" since I only saw the movie. The quotes made me remember a thing Carl Sagan said in some obscure interview: "Life wants to be born." Which, when you think about it, is a pretty darn mystical statement.

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Cute comic---don't let it fall into the wrong hands. The home-schooled evangelical kids next door have informed me that the reason there are no more dinosaurs is that they were too big for Noah to get them on the Ark. At least there's a certain internal logic to their idea.

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I'm sorry to hear that. Have you had it treated yet?

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*golf clap*

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Yes, but I'm having trouble translating my Quebec birth certificate. Especially where it says 'putain Anglo'

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Yeah? Well, puck you, pal!

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Jeb also does not believe a human can be brain dead, either.

He isn't a doctor, see?

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I hope so. I hope the media pounds their asses (not literally) on this. Don't let them off the hook. Simple answer to a simple question. Do you believe the earth and the heavens were made in 7 days? Do you believe the earth is only a few thousand years old? Make them own it. And if it takes the full 19 months for them to dodge it or fess up to either intelligence or ignorance, so be it.

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The GOP has become so unamerican that they do not have a single candidate that is not either a theocrat, as this article points out, or a secessionist, or both. Which means they cannot uphold the Constitution. The GOP has gone so far over the cliff in their extremism that they are oblivious to this. They do not even comprehend that theocracy and secession are not options under our system of government - they are either in denial about that fact, or trying to use Orwellian tricks to twist the Constitution into whatever they want.

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So, World, don't hang yourself up, on no plastic race.

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I pledge never to assist in any way, shape, or form the election of Republican flat earthers. So help me Dog. I vote. Every. Single.Time. Every. Single. Election... From the office of President all the way down to dog catcher. I have a freakin' conscience.

Will that suffice?

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"they do not have a single candidate that is not either a theocrat, as this article points out, or a secessionist, or both"

Both. Always both. "States Rights"/secession are baked into the theocratic tea baggers' pie: http://www.politicalresearc...

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Another simple question recently incorporated into our local candidate survey: Views on Separation of Church and State.

Tea Party/GOP is unanimous in its willful misrepresentation of the First Amendment, claiming church/state separation is a liberal "myth."

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From where Republicans have been getting their theology: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/

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