Madison James? Jefferson Thomas? Sound like names some Dixieflagger gives its trailer-park disgorgements.

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"Eleven renegade beard hairs" Best. Band Name. Ever.

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I know. I made sure to pass along to my husband, a republican on Tuesdays and Thursdays

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Is he wearing earrings? Or are those his ears? I keep picturing the height of American cinema, Malibu Gangsta (or rapper). Yes, you do look that fake, Ryan.

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And you're not dead.

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I find it hard to believe that Nickelback is still in the top 59 things that are screwed up in US America. Canadian things that are screwed up in US America, sure, but Ted Cruz is rapidly overshadowing them in even that category.

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maybe they'll be able to relate better to hillary since they all had actual white mothers as opposed to imaginary black friends.

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What's that Einstein quote about doing the same thing over and over with expectations of different results being a sign of something?

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Perchance the reason for 2 last names is because their mothers weren't certain of their biological fathers?

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Bourbon or gin?

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You may need something more potent to dull the pain... like everclear. (Shudder)

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My favorite State Department name: Outerbridge Horsey II. Long-lasting name in US history, in fact. Why, is the great question.

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Personally, I don't think that Paul Ryan will be able to break Boehner's record of 50+ votes to repeal Obamacare.

Sure, Boehner was utterly feckless as a leader. Advancing hopeless legislation as a protest because your party will oust you if you don't is pretty much the textbook definition of "miserable failure of leadership."

On the other hand, Boehner is the Lou Gehrig of Obamacare protest votes. Ryan has his work cut out for him if he is to break the record.

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Ted Cruz was voted "Most Likely To Be Shot In The Dick" by his high school senior class.

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It's so that if their first first name gets a flat, they have a spare.

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"Trust me"

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