You say "feminine" and "dark skinned" like they are bad things.

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Give it time, it's Bolton's first day.

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I worked in a used bookstore for a while, lots of those came in. Generally the 'money shot' scene is about 2/3 of the way thru, too. I used to be able to open the book to within a page or so of them - rare talents!

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So you are well acquainted with the words engourged and bulbous.

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But you are aware that fixing and making things is not some grand sorcery. So shop class at least taught you that. Supposing that you didn’t already know of course. There is a great deal of usefulness in being self sufficient, and I fear it’s being taken from us deliberately sometimes.

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Maybe having donnie sanction certain friends and associates is Vlad's way of saying "You're FIRED" to certain former friends and associates.

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Occam's Razor is desperately lost on these maroons.

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" when the United States issued a list of politicians and business leaders linked to the Russian president in January, Chubais was not included. In response, he issued a mock apology on Facebook for failing his nation."

In Russia is different, Oligarch mock you.

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Now available at Whole GRUs

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Kirill is Putin's Jared? Ruh-roh, someone's going to be pissed.

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Sure slowed Bin Laden down...

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We're the subversive!

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Precisely. During their little fireside chat last week, Vlad undoubtedly gave Donnie a list of all his buds who've been caught up in the Mueller probe and said, "You wanna look tough? Sanction these guys, send them home and we'll deal with it".

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No, "malign" is a fine, fine adjective with the meaning "evil-intentioned"--the opposite of "benign." I actually like it better than "malignant."

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Are these the same Russian sanctions that were snuck into the Omnibus, must-pass bill that apparently no one read (lol, forever!)?

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They threw the razor out the pickup truck window because it wasn't an automatic. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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