How much time ya got?

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Yes, but a better AG. First, to prosecute t-rump and clean up the judiciary. Then, the most popular, and second woman president.

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They must have slept through that. That sounds like a trump exaggeration. Not that they have not been absolutely shitty to Kamala.

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They want to believe.

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As Dave Chapelle pointed out...


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Good grief. SO SICK of the way she's being covered.

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I'm retired. I guess, narrow it down in the interest of brevity, to just the latest fuck-up.

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How exactly did she "aggressively jail" people? If you're speaking of marijuana convictions, they actually went DOWN under her tenure. Additionally, she created the first in the nation re-entry program aimed that low level drug offenders. The program offered education, job training, and expunged records of those who graduated the program. So, what exactly did she do that was so wrong?

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There's been so much whizzing by me that I don't even remember what I non-commented about.

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Louis Lehot,Is almost certainly not.And of reasons there are ne'er a few,That he doesn't even deserve this Clerihew.

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The point is the same though. We don't even hear about male candidates' wives. We are so concerned with the spouse's career/income/tax returns when the candidate is a woman however.

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Has he mastered Comic Sans? That seems to be the minimum requirement for a Trump mouthpiece. Also the maximum requirement.

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kAmAla iS a CoP.

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Man, Mayor Frey is doing some great things in Minneapolis. If I hadn't reached my northernmost limits in Chicago, I'd totally move there to help out.

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Angry tirades? Clenched fists? Sexual assault? Does the Donald have a twin?

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Would there were only two of them. There are thousands of men fitting this description in every city and town in America.

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