'Trump Uber Alles!'

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In 2015 Tom Cotton and another 45 GOPers said that America can't be trusted to make promises or do deals. Has anyone asked him how happy he is today?

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I'll just point out that any sovereign nation can lawfully do what ever it can to resist aggression and invasion. Nukes aren't a pretty thing, but once the big nations showed the way - it is the only guaranteed way of ensuring your borders can be respected. If Iran (and any other nation) wants to pursue that goal, they don't need permission to do so. Sad, but true.

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Well two things come to mind when things like this happen (every day pretty much)

1. There is too much power concentrated in the presidency

2. There is too much world reliance on US leadership

If it takes being hit over the head with these truths for four years, I think we may actually get the message in the end

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Hot Carl

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Why bother? Hold a constitutional congress. Declare the US of A was a 'bad idea' and start afresh. Give Texas back to the Mexicans for added fun.

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I've seen or heard much opinion on how this play in North Korea. Trump is making it quite clear the US is completely untrustworthy.

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You want to go the extreme hard mode? It will be far easier just to get Trump out of office, and without the constitution, the federal government, and the supreme court holding deep red states in check, do you have any idea how abusive their laws could become?

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I'm always surprised at how behind the US can be. We have card only stations - no kiosk, n staff, you pay at pump.

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The one thing that Damascus and Lake Oswego have in common: Trump.

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I have a bottle of wine. I am going to drink approximately 2/3 of it.

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There was a theory that Aryans and Iranians were the same. Like all "race" based psuedo-intelectual hooey the idea has no basis in reality.

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He is the head of a very large zit that's been festering and ripening for a very long time. Getting rid of him is not enough, there's also the abscess that brought him to the fore.

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One of my Senators. Thanks a fucking heap, Stupid White Folks.


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His run for office emphasized his military years so much I started thinking of him as "Niedermeyer".

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Hopefully people in other countries realize that over half of us did not vote for this idiot and the only reason he's in is some weirdass electoral college strangeness. Hopefully they will not entirely blame "The United States" in general.

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