Let's hope they get a big scary visit from the Secret Service.

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In this case the Betas would be fooled into thinking they could have been or could become an Alpha. The alcohol in the surrogate excuse so to say.

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Following that logic:Hitler chose Charlie Chaplin's 'stache because he hoped it would be endearing.Will the dictator that arises here have a sweet 'Magnum P.I' 'stache or the crazy Randy Quaid beard?

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These petty tyrants HATE AMERICA!

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Shouldn't it be re-named "The Kid Diddler's Rule?" It would honor Denny's legacy of liking to bone young boys.

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Ironically the morons who vote for these people don't quite understand that the "socialism" Republicans are trying to get rid of is the Social Security and Medicare that the morons are all living off of. I secretly hope that RE

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This is pretty interesting. Pew Research Center recently identified 36 members of the HFC. Surprise, surprise, they are generally the most conservative and newest members of the House. Pew also said that 2 members quit fairly recently.


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I'm more MellowWhittyGuy. But thank you for the complement.

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So, cast Ben Carson as the beloved von Hindenburg?

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How can we throw the bums out if we don't know who the bums are? Simple. Just don't vote for anyone with an (R) after their name. Some may be bigger bums than others, but virtually all of them qualify as bums.

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They do have family members in need, but they are in a position to guarantee their family members get those benefits while denying them to the rest of the people who need them.

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Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to make your sociopathic co-worker care about anyone but himself. You can't cure mental illness with logic.

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trump is tots getting to play rasputin.

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Paul Ryan's political career is now effectively over, at least.

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Man, I hear ya, Helena. I do the same thing. I might as well be the fucking log lady.

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Hey someone forward this to Bonner, I hear he may be looking for work... Come to think of it Ryan may need this also as I am sure they are going to eat his lunch before the year is out.

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