I have concerns! I have concerns!! Why is no one concerned about my concerns?? Look at me, my hands are wringing, my brows are knitted! Make way! Make way for the Concerned Man!

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“…has insinuated that the Sept. 11 attacks were an inside job and called for health officials who recommended that children be vaccinated against Covid to face prosecution modeled on the Nuremberg Trials.”

Isn’t it keen how the first is automatically taken to be identical with the second, because the _only possible way_ for someone to question the official version of the first is to also embrace the second? These are simply tied together! If you doubt the official account of events and suspect that elements of the US intelligence regime had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 attacks, and, as well, may have let them happen for darkly political reasons, you _simply must_ also believe in COVID and vaccine skepticism kookiness! That’s a simple requirement. There’s no other way to think!

All conspiracies of any kind are equally fictitious! We’re America! We’re exceptional! Conspiracies don’t happen here like they do in all those strange nasty foreign countries!

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If I could bundle the games into the Cooking app, I'd probably cancel the rest of my NYT subscription. This kind of think-piece is just asinine - and harmful.

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Agreed, the Cooking app is the best thing about the NYT. Although I've managed to resist the siren song of the crossword puzzle for years now.

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This is why I’m so glad that I’ve never subscribed to The NY Times. They push dangerous rightwing talking points. They care nothing about the minorities who are hurt.

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Sure, one can disagree with ideas or practices, but as others are pointing out, there's the little matter of having one's priorities either well aligned or way out of whack. The praters and whiners on the Right are the biggest self-described "victims" on the planet, and yet they constantly describe progressives and liberals as weak. Pure projection. When you compare contemporary American progressives' alleged transgressions to what's being said and done in the name of MAGA/Trumpism, there's no sane comparison. Trump almost daily attacks the very existence of the free press and the justice system, and threatens his enemies with execution, imprisonment, or investigation. Many of his idiot supporters lap it up and howl for more. Nearly every move Trump makes is driving the USA towards full-on fascism.

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weird how this guy is not all upset about laws being made specifically to harm people /based on their identity and not their individualism.

So weird how they never worry about that.

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Edit: Also, if your dude claims he was liberal but refused to participate in a day against racism, he was not that liberal, and is lying about it.

The more you know.

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Huh? What if you don't know about it? Not every liberal, especailly in small towns, do not get info about these things. Also some poeple do not have the means to get to the bigger towns where events are being held. You don't have the right to chastise people that way.

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Quitting your job because you do not want to participate in an anti racism day is a big town/little town issue?

No. Just no.

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You are clearly not understading this. I am saying that if you live in a small town you may not know about an anti racism day rally, or cannot get to it, whereas in big towns more people will know about it and have more resources to get to it.

I said nothing about quitting a job whatsoever

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Excellent takedown. Guys like this always make me think of Bob Dylan's "My Back Pages" which has a verse that goes:

"Yes my guard stood hard when abstract threats, too noble to neglect.

Deceived me into thinking I had something to protect."

Whenever I hear someone (e.g. Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, Stephen Fry, or Yascha Mounk himself now) talk about speech on college campuses, I just think of that "abstract threats" line. Not a damn one of them was ever facing a serious challenge to their ability to spew their opinions all day long and be treated as special geniuses for it. But each and every one of them is prepared to die on the hill if the *slightest* encroachment comes in. Observing a "day of absence" to support non-white students and faculty? Using a student's correct pronouns? People having other ideas about gender and race than the ones these geniuses grew up with?! ABSOLUTELY NOT. These guys will simply not have that at all.

No one has to agree with every idea on the Left, but holy cow can we have a sense of proportion about things?

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Novel ideology? Every culture has recognized nonbinary individuals among them, rarely with any negative pushback. Oftentimes, quite the opposite. They're seen as gifts from the Gods to provide a different perspective. They were afforded positions of important as wise advisors and shamans.

The right's strong and violent reaction against these people makes them one of the most primitive cultures in, well, recorded history.

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Yes. I like the term "atavistic" for describing a good-sized slice of the American Right. Got an idea that might make things better, easier, fairer for everyone? Well, we can't have THAT! Nope -- let's head back to the prehistoric age, when things were the way they should be.

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"How can we reify that no ones rights matter to us without turning off women and other decent people?"

You can't you fucking troll.

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“Speak from a position of calm confidence.” This is literally the way Cesar Milan says we should interact with our dogs.

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Women, dogs , black men whatever. You know ... the lessor types.

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Just switched digital newspaper subscription back to WaPo from NYT. I'm so tired of their sh!t

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At least the MAGAts are open about their desires to be assholes in public without consequences. These dark web jackasses want to pretend they have deep, logical thought processes that just happen to always lead to them becoming assholes.

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dinosaurs, the lot of them, no matter how many 'hot takes' they have on the 'i want to be a bigot/racist/whatever and not be called on it' argument

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Now hold on a minute--those are right-wing humans, not dinosaurs. I can tell you from personal experience that the dinosaurs skew mostly left.

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my apologies, i bow to your expertise (and longevity)

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That's kind of you, thanks. I hereby set you down as a Friend of the Dinosaurs.

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“Like Mr. Weinstein, they believe that practices like separating people into different groups according to race are deeply counterproductive.”

It’s always funny when the “Intellectual Dark Web” types play this canard when they clearly want to separate people into two groups: white people and other. And white people are always naturally on top.

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There are so many variations on the concept, "People of color are the real racists," that it's always a bit surprising when some white guy feels the need to come up with yet another. "Identity synthesis"? Dude, was there really no off-the-shelf way to blame all your problems on the Blacks?

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I suspect there are also women to blame.

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curse... I still can't type

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