Okay, "conservative thinker"?? That's an oxymoron if I ever did see one 🤔

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Exactly. To me the most masculine and Christian person in the public sphere for the last couple of decades is Jimmy Carter, who only gave up swinging a hammer building houses for the unhoused after his 95th birthday. He recently celebrated his 75th(!) anniversary to the love of his life. The easiest question for St. Peter would be who the prospective applicant to the Pearly Gates admired more, Jimmy Carter or TFG.

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after mulling over some stuff, I'll come back around to this. I glossed over the CJR link someone posted earlier, it was the 3 year old article by Lyz Lenz and a couple of things jumped out at me:Lenz reports the 2003 anecdote as occurring in Liberia, and Al Sharpton as the culprit (she cites the same Esquire article). She notes that Tuck "idolized" Hunter Thompson, and I just read his half-ass "memory" after HST's death. Even in that, he made sure that most of it was about Tucker, not the subject. Carlson is the poster child for everything Thompson abhorred, the antithesis of Thompson's own experiences and perspective.

And the topper was a brief mention that his Real Mother--the woman who gave birth to him--abandoned the family when he was 6 Years Old , i.e., when he was in first grade. Just a coincidence?

BTW, Lenz shoves herself into the article far too much, which makes me wonder what the CJR was using as editorial standards in 2018.

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Carter went to Annapolis, and was a Nuclear Engineer. He was 50 times more of a badass before Tuck was even born.

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part of me wonders if he was abused at home constantly for being a 'cissy' and that has shaped his entire world view - cos he didn't grow up poor, he didn't have some kind of almost fatal illness or accident, so what the hell happened behind closed doors to make him this way? or is he just a stone cold sociopath who found a niche that wouldn't dry up and has become expert at the 'talk'

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Ta, Evan. If I have any relatives like that, I'm very glad I don't know them.

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Hannity never had a real sparring session. He paid trainers to play goofy games with him.

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The strategy of making an accusation in the form of a question ("Does _______ molest collies and beat his kids? I don't know!") is the strategy Fox News has been using for at least 20 years.

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“To his dying day, it is obvious, Hitler never forgave his teachers for the poor marks they had given him—nor could he forget. But he could distort to a point of grotesqueness.”

William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

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I wonder how far back we have to go to find cousins who married each other.

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And then he would tell everybody that he knocked you out cold, because of how MANLY he is.

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"...This is a Wendy's."

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Tucker knows it's a safe bet that his viewers/readers assume that every square inch of California is a liberal wasteland.

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There must be something about second grade teachers, or was, back in The Ago. My son's was an absolute monster as well; the one both my girls had was a very slight half-step above. :\

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Something I would not want to admit to the world: My father had to hire a tutor to teach me phonics.

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