After this shit sandwich, I Need to buy your editor a bottle of our finest alcohols.

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I'm gobsmacked by gun enthusiasts who think that the ability for terrorists to buy guns is a feature, not a flaw of our system. DAESH and the NRA are OK with this.

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Wrong building. Those are bats coming from the tunnels under the Wayne Mansion.

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For an ordinary mortal, when the television camera points in your face and you realize that it is sucking up everything you do and everything you say and squirting it all over millions and millions of people, your brain immediately turns to creamed cheese.

Ah, but there are professionals --- people who choose that career, go to school and study journalism, intern, accept miserable jobs in godforsaken communities, moving --on an average-- ever two years, to slightly larger godforsaken communities, until finally, they get their break and hit the big time. Those people! Their brain was most likely cream cheese from the start.

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Makes my choice not to have teevee all the more sensible. Not had one for nine years, but I do admit to watching the Maddotrix via the interwebby net thing.

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If journalists insist upon relying on social media as a source, you'd think they could at least get the terminology correct --- Twitter Twatted.

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Yes, but it's called Ted Cruz.

My Windoze always tells me I cannot put something into itself, If you can, you;re Gunga Din.

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If it lasts more than four hours, rent it out as a coat hook.

You've supported it, so turnabout....

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What reply did she get?

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Better if you fight first and drink heavily after.

That way any people you hit are, at least, the right people. Also, too, the alcohol you drink afterwards acts as an anodyne.

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What! You're not going to stay to point and laugh when Juan Valdez and his burro kicks down President Trump's wall?

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If you wish, I can rescind my upvote to make it all come out even.

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Which definition of humping were they implying?

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I didn't know you could do that! Tell me how, and I'll rescind mine!

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Not at Wonkette! They're much too straitlaced to allow comments.

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BTW, Whole Paycheck is not the name of the store. It is the total on the sales receipt,

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