After today I figured it couldn't hurt to bring along a Potoo.

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LOL it looks like a Muppet character. Thank you, I learned something new!

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Least productive ballet practice ever.

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How 'bout other babies laughing at dogs?


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Gonna be a big week for deleted comments!

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Thank you. That actually made me laugh, which is a good trick right now.

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Have to be careful not to tip it over, though.

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Thank you.

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Passed a law here in Oregon to expand background checks to (almost) all sales. And then what happened? The local law enforcement nutbars (Sheriffs-Shits-For-Brainz, mostly) are telling us how jizzed they are to not enforce it. "INFRINGES ON MAH 2ND AMMOMENT RAHTS11!1!!" and all that other crap. If you can't get John Law behind the deal, THEN what's the solution? Wish I knew...

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"Especially in a place like Virginia, where it is practically mandatory for all men, women, children, and puppies to be armed at all times."There are smart people in this state. Then there are those in our state legislature.

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President Clinton took away everyone's guns back in the 1990s so Bamz never had to.

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These shootings are the best thing for gun sales short of the election of a Democrat president. I go by a gun shop every day, and when this stuff happens they are packed from open to close.

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Of course they're saying that. Can you imagine what the gun humpers would do if they said anything else?

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Oh look, the trolls are breeding.

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