I looked into buying puts, but they're unbelievably expensive. Apparently nobody with puts to sell wants the stock either. It would seem that the greatest fools rushed on at the opening bell, so there are no Greater Fools to support the worst grift ever conceived.

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All the cool kids are using it!

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Truth Social is just called X now.

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But what does Jim Cramer have to say about Truth Social?

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I bet he thinks it’s great! BUY BUY BUY!

*hits buzzer*

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Ta, Gary. Isn't TS suing the two Apprentice alums who started it?

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They're suing him for trying to steal some of their shares and give them to Melania, and he's suing them for causing the price to drop after they went public.

I'm sure they were shocked at how things turned out.

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So far, two early investors in Toilet Social have pleaded guilty to insider trading. The company was bailed out by a Russian-American with Kremlin ties who is suspected of money laundering. The two apprenti who did all the real work are suing Trump for stock dilution. He in turn is suing them for mismanagement. The stock has lost nearly half its initial value since the IPO and there are now rumblings of a stock fraud investigation into this pump and dump scheme.

Cue the cartoon dog sitting in the burning room. “This is fine.”

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Cicero's ghost will kick your asz. ;-)

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Reminds of that scene in “Fun with Dick and Jane” where Jim Carrey was hung out to dry and you could see the stock price dropping on TV in real time as he tried to spin things.

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The only way to win is don't buy the stock

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Yeah turns out that building a social media platform for Nazis to scream at each other isn't exactly a profitable venture.

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We just need more Nazis is all.

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But only good new nazis.

-Maine rep Laurel Libby

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Yeah, not those nasty '30s and '40s Nazis, but the GOOD ones nowadays...

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From Illinois Nazis to Wellinois Nazis.

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I hate Illinois Nazis...

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We'll cross that bridge when we come to it!

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i think this local chain of coffee huts in my town in the middle of nowhere pulls in something like $2 million a year. i heard that number several years ago and they've built more since then.

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Yes, but coffee is way more profitable than covfefe.

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“We’re looking at the entire ecosystem. What does it take to protect people in the United States and around the world from these tyrants of Big Tech who want to silence them?”

Aaaaand it's straight in to the ethereal bullshit that doesn't mean a fucking thing.

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Their whole cinematic universe contains one guy with a flag, one with a drum, and one with a fife.

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Investing real money into a company with phantom profits? They say money talks...

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Captain of sinking ship says all is well, no lifeboats needed. He’s an embarrassment.

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I saw Kevin Bacon at the homecoming parade in Animal House.

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At least we ended up with Senator Blutarsky out of that.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

But the strawberries, he would have blown that wide open if not for all the never-trumpers!

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Even the Iowa cows are laughing.

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Yes, racists and Nazi viewpoints are something every family should prize. Teach your children well...

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Lost another $3.50 already on Monday. It is settling back to the pre-merger price of about $15 each. It will have taken all of a month to show the world how inherently worthless any business PAB runs is.

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You would never doubt the word of the CEO of a platform called “Truth,” owned and inspired by Donald Trump would you.

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I prefer the original Russian Pravda.

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If you scream "Wahrheit!" just right no one will doubt you.

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