Bet those vines are playing hell with the structural integrity of the house, [METAPHOR FOR RAPE GOES HERE]

Seriously though, there's been so much questionable decision making in that place, you can lick the walls and taste it. The kitchen ain't the only place you can find a salt.

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He's not an idiot. He's counting on the next winner of the Powerball buying it because they have a closet full of Playboy mags still from the 70s and they don't have any common sense -- which is why they play the lottery.

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I thought she was even older than that! As I recall, the man's son who bought the original life estate had a great attitude about it, too. That was a nice story all the way around.

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Just remind yourself, "if Orly Taitz can pass this, I can too"

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Why are plans not already being made to turn this house into a museum, a la Graceland, once Hugh croaks?

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Turn it into the Jessica Cutler Museum of Whoring & David Vitter Discretion Learning Annex. Tours provided by Anthony Weiner (who needs the work).

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Real World: Wonkette.

I'll bet Hef is a whiz at dick jokes.

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Close! Scotland.

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Her sons run the company, so, maybe....

Also, don't expect them to be running any retrospectives of their mom.

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All I can say is good luck.

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Nah. Re-Penetrator.

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I was there for a pay in advance with a contribution to get in charity event about 15 years ago, (put on by the old man's replicate). Looked old, faded, dated and worn out back then. The house did too.

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I think the price is going to fall off pretty soon. I mean, when the building was first erected, the building codes did not take into account The Big One. If we dick around for awhile, the price is sure to recede.

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Nah, he was totes up for that. Eva Braun wasn't that wild about it though.

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Jeanne Louise Calment (Feb 21,1885 - Aug 4 1997) of Arles.

She met Vincent Van Gogh as a girl - her father sold art supplies - and she became one of my all-time favorite people when she said, "I’ve never had but one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it."

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OTOH, if I buy a $200M house, I will have to go to work because I am now $200M in the hole.

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