This guy?

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More like a dribble down, or ooze, seep, or squirt.

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No matter how tightly they clench, some Santorum is likely to get out.

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You'd think His creation of Adam and Steve would have been a good clue about where His priorities lie.

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Ben Carson(R-skullduggery) will remind you of the difference between legislative law and judicial law.

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Of all the hills these wannabe martyrs want to die on, this one is the stupidest.

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Why wait? there's a preview if you google "lemon party." DO NOT GOOGLE "lemon party." Ever.

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the Supreme-iest.

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I can see how that would be looked on kindly by the GOP.

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No, an oral appurtenance replete with Santorum buildup.

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Local Official County Militia libel!

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Tom Paine , writing in The Age of Reason,Quote:"Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and tortuous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness with whichmore than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistant that wecall it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for mypart, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel"

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The USA was founded as a secular Republic. The Constitution, which is the foundation of our nation, never mentions god, jesus, faith, bible , church.

Article 6, paragraph 3 takes that one step further by *mandating* that there shall never be a religious litmus test for state and Federal judges, legislatures, Congress, and the President.

In other words, the Founders made sure that an athiest or Buddhist is just as qualified to any state or Federal office as a Christian, assuming they meet the other legal qualifications.

We have freedom of religion. You believe whatever you want to. The rest of us have freedom FROM religion as part of our secular society.

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Yes...twas snark. The current group of theonomists running for office and making laws would heartily disagree with you.

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Boy howdy.

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So far...

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