Kill a commie for mommie!

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I know I give extra tips for girls who exhibit a proper level of shame and degradation.

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Ah dang, I was gonna say Mao Tse-tung. At least I should get partial credit for "shoot all the professors," though, right?

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But, how does he feel about Academic Freedom?

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Pol Pot would also fit.

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Same as all the other Wingnut ideas on freedom. You are free to agree with them.

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Sadly, that was probably the intention.

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I guess it's just too easy to say his claim to being a human rights activist is nothing but a ruse.

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I had the same thought! I do my best not to break Godwin's Law - but that painting of the Red Professor looks remarkably like some of the Nazi garbage.

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One that involves coloring pictures of Adam and Eve riding dinosaurs to church.

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Show her old Ronald Reagan movies!

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He's commenting on another medium. Were he commenting on Wonkette (which he can't, because comments are not allowed), he would have to use the qualifier or risk the banhammer (which doesn't exist, but could be used if it did.)

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Actually, with all that Spring Break drinking, it's probably the one week out of the year that sex is replaced by full-time alcohol.

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I believe that's "Academic Freedom." In quotes because it is obviously just another Librul Lie.

That commie prof is probably Saul Alinsky's dad.

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I see "Asia" on the blackboard. In 1951, wasn't Ike secretly sending money to the French to keep the Foreign Legion in Indochina?

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Well, it <i>is</i> on a '51 American Legion cover, so no big surprise?

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