Gimme Francis any day:

รขย™ยซรขย™ยช Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars ...

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Leaving aside what is undoubtedly a natural distribution of curiosity from ultra-curious to disinterested, I think a lot of people sort of have curiosity driven out of them. For many people, knowing more would just mean knowing more how screwed they are. They recoil. It's very sad, on a number of levels.

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Schroedinger's cat might be relieved, though. Finally, someone to just TELL it if it's dead or not. All this uncertainty upsets it.

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Damn ... <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=i8lrfRwNlfs" target="_blank">forgot the link.</a>

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It was the Whitworth bolts?

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Eh, a day was a lot longer back then.

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The Internet: Where the geeks come to play!

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As far as Life On Mars: I prefer the Barbara Streisand version.

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I'm sympathetic ... but what's the state of Alaska supposed to do about it?

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The "supplementary materials" are freely available. Scary graphs aplenty!

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The MSM refers to the 'Higgs Boson' whilst the Wingnut sites call it the 'God Particle' which will no doubt be accepted by their readership of proof that God exists, in itty bitty chunks.

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I would have voted for him for a third term and again in 2016.

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