And just when I think the Republican Party can't possibly top misappropriation of funds... They find a way, damn it, to top it!

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Trump's grift is collapsing around him, consequently dragging his popularity down. This is reflecting on the poll results of most Republicans in the mid-terms. The hurricane has dominated every news feed for several days now and that will continue for another week. Not even the right wing propaganda machine will be able to spin a feeble response to problems.

While this may not significantly reduce the membership of the cult, I am confident that it will reduce their engagement. Engagement goes down, voters don't vote.

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Inigo Montoya is famous for his quip in The Princess Bride:"You keep using that word. I do not think that word means what you think it means."Your usage of the phrase "absolutely cannot afford" in the context you placed it is, I think, subject to Inigo's Observation.This group of boneheads, crooks and fanatics would have trouble not screwing up a dinner for one. Of course they're going to screw up the hurricane response - even if FEMA was properly staffed and operated (and history tells us that requires a Democratic administration), this crew of bumbling lunatics would still find some way to mess it up, with the "President" loudly shouting on Twitter that this was the worst storm EVAR and nobody could have predicted it, but they still managed to handle it perfectly, nobody died and everybody's incredibly happy.The thing is, no matter how awful the Federal response to this upcoming nightmare, the Republican party will close ranks and insist that nobody could have done it better, the Liberal Press (TM-GOP) will agree, although they'll point out that it might possibly have been done better, but Obama wore a tan suit so Both Sides, and nobody will believe any Fake News about disasters because it couldn't possibly be as bad as that.The GOP will not be badly affected by their screw-ups, no matter how horiffic, because they'll blame everything on Obama, and their well-trained voters will lap it up and cry for more.To expect otherwise is the mark of a strikingly unworldly optimist, I think.

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What the actual fuck?

That is some batshit bullshit.

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Half the country thinks you fund services by cutting taxes on the Koch brothers. That's how stupid these people are.

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A Pluses from A Idiot.

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“I’m doing a heckuva job Orangey I am!”

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Because what would a FFF- look like to this asshole? “The millions who died in this horrible tragedy that my administration tried to help but who refused every paper towel I threw them were all takers and losers and some I assume were conservatives but meh I like people who stay alive during disasters.”

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See liptarts! The gubmint is toadally incompertent to handel dishasters! Thish is why we need the privute sektor to take over so theres can be successes and prophet! Lots and lotsa prophets!

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Waiting for him to stick a gold star on his forehead. Would go perfectly with his shit eating grin.

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WTF? 24 seconds of that and I had to use brain bleach.

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Of course Dotard Tramp gave himself the A+. No one else would, ever.

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It's disasters all the way down with this administration.

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Once the GOP loses its grip on our government a bit, I hope there will be an investigation or two into some of this fuckery.

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I have. It is gut wrenching. There is a plaque on the Seawall about 69th St where the orphanage used to stand.

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Read "Isaac's Storm", if you haven't already. Great book.

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