I know this is unpopular in these parts but forgive me if I'm not going to join the victory lap here. The Democratic party claims to want more spending on the needy, less spending on the military, making sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes, less fossil fuel extraction, etc. etc. and yet, here we are cheering that more Democrats than Republicans voted against every one of those things to get something the Democrats could have eliminated when they had full control of Congress and the White House.

And, sure, I get the 14th amendment was complicated and somewhat risky, but let us not forget that the Democratic leadership never even put voting to eliminate the debt ceiling on the table during the lame duck session or before. Maybe I missed Pelosi, Schumer and Biden whipping up support for that, but I don't think so. It's kinda hard to argue that Biden is a master negotiator as illustrated in this case, but then claim there was no way he could have gotten enough votes to just eliminate the debt ceiling back in November/December. A sure fire way to not get the votes is to not even try.

So, yay, the world didn't end. Here is my golf clap for that. That's about all of the enthusiasm I can muster for this.

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Plenty of ticks here! Are you west of the Cascades?

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Without the debt ceiling vote there was still going to be a budget negotiation in three months, and the threat of government shutting down without appropriations, something the 14th amendment wouldn’t have stopped (as long as existing debt got paid).

Yeah, the bill isn’t exactly a win in terms of what the budget would look like if Dems held the House, but it’s way better than what Republicans would have been demanding then. Now it’s a two year budget with a debt ceiling suspension until after November 2024 which means we won’t have any Republican theatrics over either before the election.

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Yes, Marysville. Have never seen any here.

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Deer ticks and rabbit ticks are rampant in W WA so take normal tick precautions. My dogs all get Trifexis and we all check when we come in from the wood lot or pasture.

A little long but I still laugh at this:

I used to live out in Aberdeen. I’d been out working in my yard most of the day. Getting ready for bed, I noticed my knee itching and it was a tick😑. Grabbed the alcohol and tweezers and yanked it out.

Unfortunately its jaws stayed embedded and in a day I had a nice hot rash going so I went to the Urgent Care at the hospital and had the damn thing extracted.

Bill goes to my insurance and eventually I get an EOB that says they paid 50% of what should have been 100% covered. So I call and ask why.

“Mental health care is payable at 50%.” Me: It was a tick not a tic! Whoever coded the bill made an oopsy

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A dose of reality for the boiling pot set:


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"the Democrats could have eliminated when they had full control of Congress and the White House" They did not have full control of the Congress. They had less than 60 votes in the Senate and did not have 50 in favor of eliminating the filibuster rule.

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But you tell tell terrorist hostage takers, “okay. Tell me what you want.”

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Some folks can’t chew gum and walk at the same time. I’m sorry for your struggle.

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Some folks think being a reactionary idiot is clever and not a sign that they don't even have a surface level understanding of things let alone any kind of ability to have a serious take.

Some folks will always choose more evil instead of less in the name of their own purity. As long as the more evil effects others more than them. Those other people can suffer for the cause.

But you do you.

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Well, the sexual abuse part tracks.

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Why I am here in WA instead of VT.

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Joe Manchin is a dick

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Your mom would not have been the only unhappy voter, by a long shot.

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During Trump's regime, I heard A LOT of people hand-wringing that removing him from office would mean Pence would become president "and he's worse than Trump."

Is he? Sure his devotion to establishing a Christian dictatorship might be more sincere than Donald's. but his actions indicate that he's nebbish, spineless, wimp. He'd be a fucking pushover.

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