What a whiny punk ass bitch you arel. I'm a hard working individual who strives everyday to better myself so that hopefully someday I can be as Rich As Trump.I can only say that people who are jealous of her envious of his money are nothing more than scabs on the face of America.This man will do more for America in four years then Obama can do if he was the president for 35 lifetimes.I can't wait for Donald Trump to tell Barack Obama you're fucking fired.Then have his attorney general file charges on Hillary and Obama and lock them up forever.
You're a complete moron.Cuz from what I can see the Republicans come in every day and been over the desk and took it up the ass.Those Rhino jackasses pretty much gave that prick everything he wanted.Why do you think we hated all of their guts?Those guys are the main reason we voted Trump in office because we were sick of a bunch of do-nothing Republicans letting the Democrats have everything they wanted.
His inner self spawned the thing on his head. His secret self is his second skin. His secreted self oozes over everything in a late Steve McQueen-ish or Union Carbide manner.
Adding to the irony, while I tutor math people with degrees in English come to me when they have have questions about grammar and usage.
What a whiny punk ass bitch you arel. I'm a hard working individual who strives everyday to better myself so that hopefully someday I can be as Rich As Trump.I can only say that people who are jealous of her envious of his money are nothing more than scabs on the face of America.This man will do more for America in four years then Obama can do if he was the president for 35 lifetimes.I can't wait for Donald Trump to tell Barack Obama you're fucking fired.Then have his attorney general file charges on Hillary and Obama and lock them up forever.
I have no problem with how much money he earns, not impressed by his tax evasion. but not surprised.
I must be hard to have your parents only leave you $1m and to lose billions in business.
To use his own words it is not winning it is what you accomplish.
He can talk the talk, now let's see if he can walk the walk.
Oh and for the article writer, the moment you say "more richer" you lose respect.
Well of course Obama could not achieve anything with a congress controlled by Republicans who batted down everything he tried to do.
There is some irony that America's first black president was in chains for most of his presidency.
You're a complete moron.Cuz from what I can see the Republicans come in every day and been over the desk and took it up the ass.Those Rhino jackasses pretty much gave that prick everything he wanted.Why do you think we hated all of their guts?Those guys are the main reason we voted Trump in office because we were sick of a bunch of do-nothing Republicans letting the Democrats have everything they wanted.
Someone else in the comments thought of this, and it is genius:ferret top
His inner self spawned the thing on his head. His secret self is his second skin. His secreted self oozes over everything in a late Steve McQueen-ish or Union Carbide manner.
Did he say cock fighting of cock biting?
The more more's the merrier.
Trump is just a my glass is 250% filled kind of guy.
That smacks of the dear gunnboy AK who has the hots for a donkette.
Rich scum not unlike cream rises to the tip. Uh, top.
Date with quaaludes and non-consensual sex? You do want to keep the money in the family. The heir will be born of the hair-(ish kind of thing).
Skills and talents are for the broads who try to become Miss America.
Why should The Donald learn reading and ciphering since he already has TEN BILLION YOOOOOGE ONES?!?!
Ought to play well on the The McLaughlin Group.
Emphasis on "supposedly".