I'll tell you what! If the Bush Administration flunkies had read (and possessed the native wit to understand) Sir Winston Churchill's "The Story of the Malakand Field Force" they would have rethought the whole invade Afghanistan thing.
Who was the exoric meat?
SAT analogy question:
(Tucker Carlson) is to (Foggy Bottom) as (anything) is to (exactly the same thing).
Probably none of my business, but I am curious about your veterinarian's reaction to your skullfucking preference.
And he came back the same way.
My doc is a très belle femme, which means that I can't get that good Barry Bamz health insurance fast enough!
I'll tell you what! If the Bush Administration flunkies had read (and possessed the native wit to understand) Sir Winston Churchill's "The Story of the Malakand Field Force" they would have rethought the whole invade Afghanistan thing.
Actually it was a "cactus" - the pricks were on the outside.
(Thank you, Tom Wolfe!)
Or was it exotic meets?
Government IS the problem!
Nope. That would be an Opt In.