Sue the shit out of those people!

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I'm sorry, WTF? An adult male manager forces young people to eat POISONED ice cream, in which some of them were compelled to go to a hospital afterwards, and all that happens is the company fires the manager, who disappears? LAWSUIT. REPORT THIS ATTEMPTED HARM TO THE POLICE. Yeah, it's the po po, but what else are these citizens supposed to do? Hire their own private vengeance army? (Don't even entertain that idea.) Would this only become national or regional news if one of the employees had died? JFC

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Teaching kids their rights = Priority number NOT for MAGA world. And especially the theocrats currently backing them.

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I can totally see this being abusive authority figure mentality.

I bet there was a situation in which something cleaned wasn't rinsed properly and there was still soap/residue in it and this was one of those trauma-based "lessons" authoritarians love to inflict on people.

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More likely bleach since they would be cleaning a milk using machine.

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Exactly my read on the situation. A deranged expansion of washing their mouths out with soap.

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I think y'all have a good read on this....what a fucking idiot.

What was the lesson, exactly........."you dumb kids cost the company six whole dollars for a batch of partially gelatinated, non-dairy, gum-based frozen confectionary product?


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Sounds like it's time to revamp the management training program oh and screen for psychos.

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What would that leave, 10% of current management?

I read /r/antiwork on reddit. The stories about things that people endure on the job are... disturbing.

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I don't think the mass-poisoning is related to the law, and it is disingenious to imply it is.

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.........that's just like your opinion, man

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WTAF even?

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To those with even rudimentary reading comprehension, there is no implied relation. Clearly bill hasn't been signed yet, so is not yet legal to treat teens with even more penile-brained nonsense than USA mgmt. leans into with zest.

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But even after the bill it won't be legal. So why mention both in the same article? It's not like this is a list of "abuses of teenagers by Republican", that's not the subject of the article. If it were, it would have more different things mentioned.

It is a "murder, arson, and jaywalking" situation here, where by grouping the concepts together like this and not mentioning any others, you're implying they're comparable.

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Because both are hazardous to teen workers.

That is not a bit of a reach to mention that in a state where some manager decided to have some kids ingest tainted ice cream, they are ALSO weakening worker protections for those same kind of workers.

That sounds pretty related to me.

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As I said, it is a "murder, arson, and jaywalking" situation. By stating the blatantly always-has-been always-will-be illegal poisoning event (murder, arson category) in the same piece as a proposed law that would change the legality of youth employment (jaywalking) while not being on the same level of horribleness as the previous thing, then you're implicitely comparing the two. And that isn't fair.

And yes jaywalking laws also killed a lot of people (indirectly, because they caused cars to drive faster and stop expecting pedestrians in the streets), and they're an unfair restriction of the freedom of pedestrians and basically stole the streets from people and gave them to cars, you still can't equate that to murder.

Likewise, you can't equate a change in youth employment law to poisoning.

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The point is that most older, more seasoned workers would have refused point blank to eat tainted ice cream. Adults are much more likely to know what's acceptable and what's not. I'm guessing all of the workers who ate the ice cream were under 25, if not under 21, and intimidated as hell by this "authority" figure. That is the connection you're missing between the bill & the news story- the issue that teens need protection even as they gain work experience because they're usually not ready to challenge bad bosses yet.

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I used to work with an Angela Patton years ago. The odds of it being the same person are slim, but...

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Was it less than 17 years ago, and did she have a smol daughter at the time if it was? If the answer to both of those questions is "yes", sounds like the odds just went up.

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It was 20+ yrs ago but in this century, and she was unmarried and childless until a couple of years after I stopped working there.

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People don't understand how virally important it is for FREEDUM an LIBURTEE that a Kentucky Dairy Queen manager be able to exercise his Constitutionally guaranteed right to force his employees to eat ice cream with cleaner in it. What will the libs take away next?

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I once worked in government funded jobs programs for teenagers. One of my most important tasks was to ensure that child labor laws were never broken. It's unreal what some adults will want underage employees to do, like work with power tools (with no training or supervision), clean up large quantities of broken glass (without protective gear and masks), work till 2 am on school nights, etc. Child labor laws were hard won by the labor movement and children's protective societies. Adolescents shouldn't have one of their hands sliced off (like one of the teens) just because an adult wants then to work a table saw. Children and teens know to please their employers and won't question orders like an adult would if the job seems dangerous.

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Ta, Robyn. I can't say what I feel without risking the Banhammer of Loving Correction.

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Deranged DQ Manager: “eat this here tainted ice cream.”

Employees: “Up your butt, Jobu.”

I actually know a former DQ exec who retired and lived near me. Maybe he knows the…scoop.

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I'm trying to think of something pithy and off-beat to say. But, nope. Got nuthin'

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"At this point, there’s not a lot of information about why the manager did this,"

Something about the employees not cleaning the ice-cream machine properly, thus meaning that customers might get detergent in their ice-cream, so making employees eat ice-cream with detergent in it is right out of the same playbook as "you catch your kid smoking, make them smoke 2 packs until they throw up"

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Those kids musta only been wearing 36 pieces of flair.

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Ye gad, why? I know there are plenty of odd ducks here in MD(like state district 5 Rep Justin Ready, for instance), but c'mon! Sorry, it's not you, it's *waves at everything else*....🤦🏻‍♀️

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