I am not a member of any organized party — I am a Democrat

Will Rogers Just goes to show somethings never change.

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Imagine biting into something a bit meatier.

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Unfortunately, this misses out on the non-family-planning reasons for hormonal birth control. I had a vasectomy in 1992. This hasn't helped a single woman regulate her period or deal with endometriosis.

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Slut on.

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Ah. That does get to the heart of the matter, doesn't it?

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Is there a lesbian fan fic equivalent of "knotting"?

And modest curses to Wonkette for expanding my knowledge that far.

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Wasn't that "WHY ME?"?

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Dude, I actually tried morning glory seeds once.

Of course, I was already pretty high at the time.

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Hormonal endometriosis treatment. Could work.

From the big pharma perspective, it's marketing to a giant market versus to a specific one that overlaps. You'll know that the assholes have won when the pharmas start target-marketing endometriosis or irregular menstruation.

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Also, the internet (and the USPS) may be your friend in this case.

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I'm sorry, but I have to disagree, partly. While I think the Dems SHOULD run heavily on this shit, it will not result in an immediate 400 in the House. There are a lot of women who vote Republican out of habit, or childhood examples, or deference, or religious hatred (envy?) of slutty sluts, or even the sincere belief that embryos have souls and are people. [Please note that I am referring here to women because I doubt that there will be much change among the misogynist Republican men during the rest of my lifetime.]

Intelligent campaigning may make some progress among the simply-habitual R-voters, and this could have very positive effects. But (to take the worst case), no amount of argument or advertising is going to change the opinion of a person who <i>believes</i> that a fertilized-but-unimplanted ovum is a tiny person. (Incidentally, you can ask them when the soul gets attached, and some of them will say "right then", and you can then point out that way over half of those fertilized ova get spontaneously aborted by God, and they say "so?")

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Was that a serious question? Because, if so, my answer is "No". Or, more fully, "No. What the fuck are you talking about?"

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Your problem is that you are assuming there is a thought process involved here.

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I've known a number of women who stopped taking The Pill because it is, after all, hormones, and therefore is sometimes helpful and sometimes not.

None of my friends who stopped (and, as it happened, all switched to other forms of birth control) thought that their decision should have any effect on others' access to hormonal birth control. Same as you.

I'm male, so it is always awkward to talk about this, but nothing in your story gives me any sympathy for the Catholic bitches. I'm 66, but I don't yet happen to have any need of boner pills. This doesn't mean I think they should be denied to Rush Limbaugh, or anybody else. Catlick Cisterns are (intentionally) confusing "choice" and "compulsion", and fuck them (figuratively).

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Shit. You're older than I am. I should show you more respect.

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Does that work? The science fact that women cannot get other women pregnant might not be one of the science facts they believe.

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