There is no room for decency in the new cruelty. This is America.

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It is an insult if you move them at your whim so you can build a bigger golf course. Or a new business building when dozens of empty ones are within a stones throw. Ah, but if one is an Emperor, all things are subject to one’s Natural Law, yes? Poor people, other animals, plants, minerals, comments; all the things.

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tiny...every day...tens of thousands of shipping containers are brought into this country...that could be converted into little single person housing...because they're the ones that suffer the most...i don't see offering a tiny home...as an insult

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Being brown and not having an ID makes you a threat to white people?

Obviously; just ask Barbecue Becky, Permit Patty, ...

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So paving over poor people’s shacks should fit in nicely with your development plans. Or better still, since I find golfing and rich people useless, I suggest destroying golf courses and other natural habitats of upper class twits. Social progress is advanced and we can preserve native species that in turn help preserve our own ecosystems.

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Homo Sapiens have existed for a mere fraction of a fraction of the amount of time life has existed in our shared ecosystem. The world went on its merry way before humans decided they were in charge and will continue on its merry way long after they are gone.

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On paper it is 53%, however we dont know how much of Dump's voter support was due to election meddling and misinformation spread by Russians to help install their puppet in the White House. Imo it is at least 1/3rd of his voters who were swayed to vote for him due to meddling, Hillary would have won with 83 million votes without Putin playing interference for his puppet.

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Regardless of what the father allegedly did, he stood out for his skin color and he was profiled that way by ICE. ICE honed in on him due to racism, dont expect the CONS to be honest about this - they never are.

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That is a straw-man argument, as no one has made any allusion to "bringing progress to a grinding halt" save for you just now.

It seems that what you are actually saying is that it doesn't matter what other living creatures suffer or die, so long as you are in no way inconvenienced.

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Theres no such thing as a person being illegal, we are all human and thats it period. Its dehumanizing for ANYONE to be labeled that, not to mention that this land was stolen from the Native-Americans so if the illegal word is to be used then anyone who is not Native-American is illegal and thats it.

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ah so you believe in guilty until proven innocent do you

lets drag donald trump onto the white house lawn and behead him for treason then, after all who doesn't scream "witch hunt" when it comes to treason

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oh i see so now anyone can be deported can they

what about all the white people squatting on stolen land then

oh but we don't want you in europe since we have enough ignorant racists here already, fuck off to antarctica plz

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Until he turns 18 and robs yo ass. - /s off

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WTF are you talking about? No American citizen wanted for a crime, especially like murder, gets his arrest warrant delayed, because his wife is pregnant. Wow.

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Yup. ICE are just not caring anymore - they need to meet a quota. We have illegal immigrants over here in the UK and some get deported for the proper reasons. We aren't over-run and we don't have an ICE task force. There is no way that this awfulness wouldn't make the front pages.

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Umm no. We don't know the full facts. "Accused" is the word, not convicted. Even if he is guilty they could have accompanied he and his wife to the hospital while she gave birth and sorted it out afterwards.Putting a massive amount of stress on woman who is in labor is absolutely cruel.

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