Well, yeah- it controls a major crossroads between the stronghold towns of Thrace and Thessalonica, and Constantinople.

You capture Adrianople, you effectively cut the Empire in half.

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It might make our umwelcomoe state in Europe a little more permanent.

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Defund DHS.

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Don't Israelis (not the fundamentalist nutjobs) call pork the white meat?

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Ha ha, you're right, I had no idea https://forward.com/culture...

Of course it's ironic that the really fundamentalist nutjobs disapprove of Israel because it's a mostly-secular state and because the good Lord didn't give them permission to start it.

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American Exceptionalism as "exemptionalism"


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Is there any of the US reactions to 9/11 that shouldn't be undone? DHS, ICE, Patriot Act, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan... I'm sure there are more. All because politicians wanted to show their constituents that they were doing something, even if it was a bunch of hooey that just made things worse at home and abroad.

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He needs to be defrocked and excommunicated.


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The strangest thing to me is there instance on calling themselves "Christians"

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Nah, based on the experience of 9/11, we'd spent 10 years blowing up a completely unrelated disease so Republicans could grift.

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This government sucks.

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Another sign of our new third world status.

Still, this is good news for American manufacturing. Columbia, Japan, China, Indonesia, will be setting up their factories here because we'll be working more cheaply than their people. Factory jobs will return! Of course it will be 12 hour days, six days a week, for half the pay they remember, but what the hell.*

* Also too, all the top management will be non-US and will get most of the money.

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Let them eat money!

Bank of England to keep animal fat in banknotes despite complaintshttps://www.theguardian.com...

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Architecting a new paradigm.

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This is the sort of shit even the British Raj knew better than to try.

The first Indian mutiny was fuelled, in part, by the mere rumour that sepoys/muslims were to be issued cartridges greased with pig fat (thanks Russia!) that would pollute their souls/break their castes.

This isn't just cruelty, it's a guaranteed way to turn people against America for real.

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