And what's the name of the son of a bitch that shot her? Why should he be protected by anonymity?

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I called it. I knew that this was how Trump was going to make the Mexicans pay for the wall as soon as kids started being taken from parents. He's selling them into slavery.Can you hear the Lee Greenwood music?

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Fun fact - Operation Streamline also unironically gives parents yellow bracelets, presumably they'll have to sew a yellow sombrero onto their clothes later on.

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I've been saying that for years now. There are several large peach orchards in my area. At least one grower has been caught using undocumented workers as labor. Small (to him) fine and slap on the wrist. Then he goes right back and gets more.

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Because if we found out who he was he might never get to murder any more brown people. How is that even fair?

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You put monsters in charge, you get monstrous behaviour.

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The foster system is already overcrowded and underfunded resulting in children getting lost in the system but by all means let's make it worse.

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The money quote from that article:

"This is surreal," Chad Lancaster, who has an eighth-grade daughter and sixth-grade son at the middle school, told the Indianapolis Star. "This happens in high school, not here."

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ICE members are wanna be cops who could not make it in an academies agency.No. Really.

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You can bet your ass they never kneeled during the national anthem. Papi would have killed them with his own bare hands.

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Oh no, no worries, the foster system is run by the states! This shit is run by the FEDS. It'll be *way* worse

... let's not even start to wade into the weird 'separate systems' thing they've created here

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No, Chad. This happens at primaries, it happens in middles, it happens in juniors, high schools and colleges. It happens at movies and night clubs. It happens EVERYFUCKINGWHERE

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Anyone taking bets yet on how long before we find out a bunch of these kids end up as sex slaves? When we do, I'm sure the evangelicals will all care oh-so-very much.

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"Fuckin' border jumpers shoulda known better. Don't care if they was kids."

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Well that was at least a well regulated militia.

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