we've lost our hope

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or you could just use a ladder, pretty sure the mexicans have developed ladder technology

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is GeStaPo getting ready for Reichskristallnacht 2.0 with their "target lists"?

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Star Trek has see through Aluminium. That actually exists and is very cool. Expensive though, it is basically a clear ruby.

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I've always been considered a... milquetoast?? maybe about lot of stuff like this. I've been in some extremely uncomfortable situations in all sorts of ways, so I try to put myself in others' shoes. Until very recently, I've believed that truly 'evil' people are fairly rare. Most people who do bad shit aren't inherently evil. Ask any cop. And everyone reaches a point where they can't take the bullshit anymore. That's to be applauded.

One thing about this whole shitshow. When it's over everyone will know who the evil bastards are and where they've been hiding. Questionable whether we/I survive it.

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What do you think of DHS?

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Not to mention that there;s the need for drug dealers to be able to see so that they throw their bags onto the heads of innocents.

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The call of being a professional bully pulls at a lot of people.

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New? Why else would anyone go back?

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Okay cool

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As a boring sidebar, the guillotine was actually invented as a more humane way to execute people--literally, they chose it because it still allowed for the public spectacle, which they regarded as a salutary deterrent, but wasn't the hours-long being-torn-apart-by-machinery-while-being-flogged shit.

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Or you could just walk a little bit to the left and swim over, pretty sure the mexicans have noticed the Pacific Ocean

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I forget, which is bigger a bajillion or a squintillion?

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"More" ethical fiber, huh?

Interesting mathematical fact: The expression "0.000...001 > 0" is still true no matter how many zeros you put in place of the ellipsis.

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"Like Weekend at Bernie's except somehow much more bizarre"

...and with less ski boats...

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Yup. I work for liberal theater people who are racist as fuck when it comes to actually casting or hiring PoC. Because I stay there, I am complicit. And yet I can't quit, because it's half my income; I've tried for years to find another job to no avail. It's a horrible position to be in.

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