You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you on the ass and hollered "who's your daddy?". https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I spelled it that way because some sites don't like the word. I should have figured a lefty site would be cool with it since Hitler was a socialist.

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No. Mississippi officials have already said they have no idea where all the kids are.

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More like Nuremberg style trials for human rights violations.

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Humans outnumber Trump fans by at least a few million in this country, so ... cheer up?

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Most of them, like Koch, are pretty big outfits. They supply supermarkets all over the country, and have contracts with the likes of Burger King and McDonalds. On top of screwing their workers, they also screw the fuck out of the farmers who raise the chickens. Some industries just seem to attract human swine (lookin' at you, Don Blankenship), and this is one of them.

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If you fined them, it might reduce the amount they contribute to the GOP. They'll get "punished" to the tune of 0.01% of annual revenue, if the DOJ feels the need to pretend.

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The key to really great irony is that it's not planned for.

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I wonder how many voters the GOP just lost in Mississippi. Not a whole lot, maybe, but drip, drip, drip. Every time Donnie Dumbfuck says or does something stupid (which is aot,k), more Americans say "fuck it, that's the last straw.' He still has 14 months to alienate more of the public, and he seems to be stepping up his efforts.

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Ha! I'm the only adult amongst you wankstains.

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We'll get to that right after we deal with Drumpf for hiring illegals at his golf courses.

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The 'then' victims were also of the wrong color. Either of skin, religion, or politics (or sexual orientation, to be more complete).

And like today, the US were just fine the way it was, until the U-boats started sinking American ships.As we French, Poles, etc. were fine with it, until we got invaded (and even so - far from everybody became a freedom fighter, and many freedom fighters didn't give a fuck about Jews, gypsies or PoC)

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Ah, jeez, thanks. That's something I forgot to be worried about. Slide over.

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I'm so horrified by this intentional cruelty I can't even snark, which further pisses me off. Anybody know of a way to donate money to these families?

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Were the ICE regulations originally written by Franz Kafka or was Kafka writing about what happens when society puts incompetent totalitarian morons in authority over part of its own human population? (Also, Orange is the New Black is doing a good job portraying the nightmare horror we are currently inflicting on women and children.)

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