Floriduh is at the top of the Coronavirus list 'cause our Guv is even worse than the guy in Blazing Saddles. He's STUPID and a synchophant. DeSantis is Trump's mini-me and he tongue-bathes Trump EVERY time he speaks. I really, really worry about our fate....

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ok so here's some math for you, the US has about 14 million people in college, of those, over 1 million are from not america. the ones from not america are paying full out of state tuition mostly, because most scholarships are for poor american kids or sportsballers (not a lot of chinese kids come here on a football scholarship) so american colleges are about to lose probably 10% of their income. add to that all the college kids that are taking the year off because they don't want to pay 40k for basically the university of pheonix and you won't have any colleges left for the foreigners to come to anyway. who needs them egghead elites anyway, right cletus?

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Well, according to the Worldometer Coronavirus Update we've gone from 262 deaths (July 4th) to 378 (Sunday) to 866 today, and they haven't stopped counting for today. If the death number increases tomorrow and the next day, we're well and truly fucked because that means that all of those huge spikes in the new cases numbers in the last two weeks have started killing people.

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Here in Texas we just passed 10,000 new cases in the past 24 hours.

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People are still wondering where Epstein actually got his money from. He doesn't appear to have actually, you know, worked at anything. Some people claim he supposedly managed investments for the Victoria's Secret guy (can't remember his name right now), but he seemed to be far wealthier than something like that would have made him. Maybe a lot of other rich people were sending him periodic payments for...I dunno...something he held over them?

In which case, I'm actually surprised he wasn't rubbed out sooner. If you're blackmailing some Wall Street banker, that's his problem. If you're blackmailing a Russian oligarch, then *you've* got a problem.

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If they had made this announcement a few months ago, then I suspect most schools would have opted for some in-person classes. They waited to announce this change until now, when it is too late for most schools to change their decisions about in-person classes.

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Both of the Millers will be unemployable when Dolt 45 is ushered from office. For that we can be grateful. I feel sorry for that kid.

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When Queen Elizabeth sends 007, Maxwell will be eliminated.

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That's just the official count - I bet we're past 15K, easy.

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Money laundering. He was good at it.

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Yep, sure is. Just look up John Mcaine citizenship.

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Both of McCain's parents were US citizens.

Don't get me wrong, I want her to be eligible. I also want us to be ready to counter Birther 2: Electric Boogaloo.

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Steve Bannon was certainly up there in the evil category when he was working there.

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It depends on how many "analysts" Fox "News" wants to hire from tRump's administration.

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Just read an article today by Max Boot on what a hellscape tRump could create if he decides to contest the election. Worth reading.

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The rule, from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, states that students on educational visas may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States. The U.S. Department of State will not issue visas to students enrolled in schools and/or programs that are fully online for the fall semester nor will U.S. Customs and Border Protection permit these students to enter the United States.One person's answer to this:https://twitter.com/JuliaRG...

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