I did a little write-up on the influential Space Invaders, which is yer hed gif also too: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/invaders

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He's firing through his own shields! Inconceivable!

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All Your Base Are Belong To Us


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Ah yes! I did Zero Wing a little over a year ago. Fun meme.

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Emulated I hope. Unless you own the original cartridge. If that is the case, cash that in!

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1978 was the year that my first wife pulled the trigger on a no-fault divorce. She said she was trying to find herself. I, in a rather unfortunate response, I told her "when you wake up look under the sheets". Pitchers of beer with an old friend and Space Invaders in a neighborhood bar helped me get past it. Two years later I found my Judy and had forty good years of a wonderful marriage.

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I’m glad you found “the one” in the end. ❤️

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Me too. My first was a great girl, but ultimately, we were both pretty immature.

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Would assess my first marriage EXACTLY the same way.

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There's a place near me that has a section of classic arcade games, which are free to play. They have Space Invaders, Joust, Galaga, Donkey Kong, etc. I used to kick butt in DK in high school, now I can't get past level 2....

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Are you me?

The arcade by me has Robotron 2084, which was totally my game. And still is.

But it has all those classics, plus Centi and Millipede, Tempest, Missile Command, Defender, and some Pac people games. 🎶And the rest!🎶

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I miss the pinball museum in Banning, California, and the grer play weekends.

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“free play”

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That's how this arcade goes. Coin handlers are bad for reliability.

And of course they sell food and beverages (to include beer) and host events.

Down side is sonme punk kid punches up four games and leaves after three balls. Bastard!

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Bluey and the space invader https://www.tiktok.com/@ciarag821/video/7287737760457264427

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That show is just the cutest 🥰

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I am a believer in the “it’s educational programming for parents” theory.

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Five stages of watching Bluey.


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I'm a Space Invader . . .


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I was never any good at Joust, but I'd play the pinball version!

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Joust is the first video game that I remember playing. My grandparents owned a bar and always rented a game of some sort. I loved Joust.

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East Jordan, Michigan. East of which Jordan? It is a steel town on a Great Lake. It's confusing.

Do check your manhole covers and drainage grates if you live in the midwest for the East Jordan Iron Works (EJIW) logo though! I have pics of that from right down my street.

Edit: They are EJCo now? Stupid corporate rebranding.

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It is equally beautiful and absurd and pixelated.

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My first was a pong game a couple of EE grad students built.

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It is funny as fuck if you substitute Atari Pong for the answering machine that Ice T smashes:

Original Gangster


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OG bastard.

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Yes! And our Pong was inside a bar inside Boston's Combat Zone....

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I used to love that one and Galaga, I think it was called.

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It was next to a pinball called Alien Poker at the bar we'd go to in Raleigh NC. It sounded more like Alien Yogurt coming from the tinny little speaker.

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Mr. V was a kick-ass Galaga player. I used to watch him for minutes.

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You have to let your ship get caught and then you rescue it.

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Yep, gives you double barreled action.

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Hammer those Challenging Stages!

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Just so great.

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The arcade near me has a Space Invaders pinball machine.


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They made a The Big Lebowski limited pinball machine(2008ish?) about a month before I won 10 Grand. Timing sucks so hard.

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You're not supposed to cross the streams!

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Lucky bastard.

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Apr 8
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I LOVE this one to bits!

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But the, now two month old outlier, Siena poll!!

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What's wrong with MTG seems more and more like she's getting paid by Putin. I have no evidence of this but mere Oppositional Syndrome doesn't explain it.

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Has anyone done a wellness check on Marjorie Taylor Greene today?

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Actual WaPo headline: Trump says abortion should be left to states, declines to endorse national limit. A) that's 140% more coherent than whatever came out of Trump's mouth, B) he is LYING. FFS, reporters, just stop for the love of God.

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PAB's bond is way more shady than any of us realized. AFAIC, it's not even a real bond.


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Speaking of math (but not hot dogs), somebody left a whole bunch of Samuel French plays in the little library, and I've been making my way through them. I woke up in the middle of the night and read David Auburn's "Proof." Dang, that is one great play, even to a reader who failed calculus.

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Ta, Rebecca. Ta, Martini. Good day, belovedWonketteers. I love and appreciate you all and I bless us all with love, health, peace, and grace. Darling fiancé Meccalopolis made our fruit salad; I made our tea. He'll make the toast and coffee. We've been having fun with our friend here in the path of totality. She's an amazing woman with freezers full of the produce she grows. We're eating so well!

Please, please stay safe. Wear a mask or two, wash your hands, sanitize when you cannot wash and let the sanitizer dry completely, stop touching your face, take Vitamin D, get one of the new vaccines, avoid indoor and crowded outdoor gatherings and when you must meet, remove masks only to eat, drink, and take quick photos, and stay the fuck away from me and everyone with whom you do not share a roof. Do this because you love yourself, and because I love you, too. Do this in memory of dear departed Treg among over seven million dead worldwide. Do this to honor the nurses and other frontline medical personnel, especially ICU Hera Mrs Land Shark RN. Stay safe.

Slava Ukraini. 🌻🇺🇦💙💛

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Watching a movie with China Katner, Grace Slick and Paul Katner's daughter. She got all of her father's traits. I don't remember her as an MTV "veejay" though. I only woke up for Headbangers Ball and 120 Minutes at that time.

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Thanks for the paywalls and subscription only tabs. Saves time.

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If you would like to go around paywalls another Wonk turned me on to this site:


You can copy the address of what you want to read and drop it in the top field (red box).

You will have a 'read-only' article, you won't be able to clik on links etc.

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I’m at the edge of Magog, at the northern end of the lake. It’s a pretty little city. I had been here decades ago. Had a friend who was born around here but fell out of touch. Dunno if she gets back much.

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I often paddle on the US end of the lake, I need to get on the program and figure out how to do the border crossing on my kayak so I can see more of the lake. Have fun, clear skies here just south of the border!

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Yep, looks the same here.

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I'm not interested in sports. I'm used to being bombarded by sports marketing and news and I do a pretty good job of ignoring it, but fucking March Madness is fucking annoying. What a horse-shit exploitative house of cards that whole thing is and it goes on waaay to fucking long. End rant.

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Rant seconded.

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Not to alarm anybody, but the plotting of Coup 2.0 is underway...


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My alarm went off when the Predecessor took the stage for the first presidential debate against Hillary Clinton back in 2016. It never turned off.

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DJT stock is plummeting again, down 6% at the open. I'm drowning in schadenfreude.

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Now down 9.5% just today. From close on Friday.

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whew starting the week off badly

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