😱🤮 That asshole in Pennsylvania, I forget his name, is why they had the Connor Lamb election. 🐑

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I think I read three of them. And it was clear this is one of these grad student/cocaine-esque babblefests where they think the loopy notions they’re introducing are somehow proven by their “logic“. Ugh. So much cocaine motormouth, it’s making ME thirsty! 🥛🥛🥛🥛

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Bazillions, as a percentage. 🙂

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"Life begins at conception“ bugs my ass so bad. They don’t mean life. They’re just fucking lying. They mean the SOUL entering the body. As in Christianity. Which let’s take a moment to remember is not All Religions. And different hunks of Christians have the soul entering the body at different times. In the middle ages abortion was allowed prior to “quickening“ in about the fifth month. When my mother can feel the fetus moving on its own.Today I believe Christians who aren’t anti-abortion believe the soul enters the body later. Either when the fetus starts moving on it’s own or when it’s born. Given these religious rules are just made up the more humane belief is when it’s born. So parents who have a miscarriage don’t have to be freaked out about their never-born child having an afterlife. 😳

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Yep. 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 All tied up nice and tidy with a 🎁 ☹️ I never heard CINO before. I like it. And congrats on being one. 🥂

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Because those aren’t about sexy times. Although sterilization I suppose sort of is. They are things where the woman does her duty as incubator or sex toy.

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What a brilliant idea! I too, could whip up some crazy death loving bullshit. #Pride

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That is very happy news! Also makes me realize here in Canada we’re saving money by not having it! Hooray! Mind you the top sentence for murder up here needs to be raised from 25 years.

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Yeah, if I were a lawyer I couldn’t do that. I just wouldn’t be able to make myself. Also in TV shows about death penalty cases where they ask the jurors if they’re willing to consider the death penalty if I were there, which I wouldn’t because I live in another country, I would have to say no. And then I have proportion people who would vote against the death penalty aren’t on the fucking jury.

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Yeah but there’s Windows… 😝🤢

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Not thinking, period. Also not their problem if they are past the age of breeding. (ever notice how so many anti-abortioners are really old churchfolk?) They know it won't affect them. Meanwhile our pro-choice elders are still protesting their stupidity, by our side.

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Yes, but...ECONOMIC ANXIETY YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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'The only moral abortion is my abortion' www.prochoiceactionnetwork-...

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Time for women of childbearing age to become interested in herb gardening. Tansy and pennyroyal * will enhance any dish.

* The herb form. The essential oils are intended for making natural insect repellents and can be fatal if ingested.

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We have a lot of that demographic in rural Missouri as well.

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