Yes, that jacket is the jacket equivalent of chaps, isn't it? It's for scuttling around in the bushes outside the windows of little girls.

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Here it is, including a picture of the dope that asked the question!

"At a hearing to discuss a bill that would bar doctors from providing abortion-inducing drugs through telemedicine, a doctor explaining telemedicine noted that colonoscopy patients can swallow a small device to help doctors monitor the gastrointestinal tube. To which Barbieri responded: "Can this same procedure then be done in a pregnancy? Swallowing a camera and helping the doctor determine what the situation is?"

"The doctor, explaining human reproduction to an adult elected official, responded that no, that would not work, as things swallowed do not end up in the vagina, which most people know is the entrance to the womb. To which Barbieri responded, “Fascinating. That makes sense.”


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I don't know if someone else has said this earlier, but it needs saying again.

Idaho Family Services, or whatever they're called, needs to get someone over to this shit-fer-brains house stat and have those girls checked. They are not safe.

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"Don't be silly, Billy Bob Joe Jim Bob! You're wearing rubber shoes, so I cain't get preg'ant!"

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I want to know where Nielsen buys his clothing - and if Aaron Schock also shops there.

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He looks to be a little old to have five girls at home. I believe they're girls the same way they're little ladies, use the little girls room and so forth and such as. He's pining for the time when, as Kasich recalled, things were, different. He's prolly a gramps and they're all growed up.

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Nielsen: "Being a father of five girls, I've explored this a lot."Witness: Surely you can't be serious, sir!Nielsen: I am serious, Shirley!Witness: No, you're supposed to say...y'know what, never mind.Nielsen: CALL ME SHIRLEY!Witness: Can I go now?

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Yeah, gotta love how they also assume that there's always a choice in having an abortion, as well. Because sure, there's no vital medical reasons why someone might get an abortion. It's always because they're sluts who can't keep their legs together.

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That's plausible....but I'd think it was a bit higher than that.

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"Do I want it to be true?"That's the standard of proof for most idiots. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of idiots, and the GOP is doing its level damnedest to create more. Can't make the burgers if the cows won't go into the shed, after all.

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Has Nielsen tested his hypothesis that incest doesn't lead to pregnancy because trauma?

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True, that's true.

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Which apparently is what they did.

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And does it make you think, maybe he tried?

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Lofe Pinche (R) 2016

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I suppose we can take his word for it:

"Being a father of five girls, I’ve explored this a lot.”


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