Wait, I got something - Using the law of inversion (I just made that up) If I keep my guns in your house, and vice versa, then neither of us will get killed by our own guns, right? Then we'll be totally free to just spray lead from a gun that is not our own at any intruders without fear that an angry spouse or child turns our own gun on us. Problem fucking solved!

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Hey, just like some of us had our foreskins taken from us, same thing can happen with forestocks. Just watch.

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Yes, who knew...?<br /><br />Sent from my iPhone

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Good theory. They also seem a little bit clingy.

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It's related to the One Million Mom.

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there should be more use of 'milled around'.

that is all.

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You should have asked how polite Chicago has become lately. Or Afghanistan.

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And let's not even talk about Japan, where the gun homicide rate is below one per ten million.

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Particularly amusing in that he's spouting the most absurd boneheaded idiocy himself.

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Now, Al Swearengen always offered his guests canned peaches, even if he would later be turning them into pig feed.

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Although it could be useful. I mean, there's an awful lot of macroeconomic theory I'm absolutely certain they're completely unable to name let alone satisfactorily describe. Similarly healthcare economics. So they'll obviously just STFU about these subjects, right?

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We measure gun deaths in "per 100,000". In England they are forced to use "per million", because of gun control.

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Gun Lobby tells people "Obama is gonna take yer gunz!!"

Gun sales go way, way up.


No one does the math, thinks NRA is just a civic-minded organization.

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Naw, that search-and-seizure, right-to-a-trial stuff just affects <i>those people</i>. This is about US People.

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But police mean TAXXESZ!!

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Similarly the northern part of St Louis. East St Louis has more politeness than inhabitants.

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