" they’re just as American as a Medal of Honor Winner. And, uh, liberty and justice for all! Equal protection under the law!"

As all Seabees know, the impossible just takes a little longer. Harley (real name, right?) is the sort of loon you could learn to like. Or at least have a beer with.

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To quote Ginsberg, "we must reproduce."

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Just the Japanese ones.

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Used car salesmen on the teevee?

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Let them eat cake.

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Learn? He had me at leather vest and cigar in shirt pocket.

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As long as they stay in Idaho, we'll be fine.

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About 12 lbs. lighter.

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Communist fluoride?

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<i>Sodom and Gomorrah got exactly what they deserved, and that’s what God will do to Idaho too.</i>

So God is a progressive Democrat after all? Cool.

Dok, you might want to keep an overnight bag packed by the door in case the rain starts smelling like sulphur.

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Question, somewhat off topic, but bear with me. Is it better as a society to let a child starve to death after it's born because the mother cannot afford proper food and shelter than to abort it before it's viable when the mother knows she has no way of caring for it?

The "Babies are precious, and each and every last one should be born because God. That said, fuck you welfare queen, you don't need aid. If you can't pull yerself up by yer bootstraps you and your kid deserve to starve" platform seems to be the what these bozos are running on.

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This shit gets a lot less funny when you realize a stealth wingnut might actually get elected because of the crazies around him.

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What the fuck did I just watch!!! Son of a bitch the stupid is strong in these ones

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Cantor's got a primary in less than a month, so he's dealing with that. The baggers recently grabbed the district GOP committee chair from his lackey. <a href="http:\/\/www.timesdispatch.com\/news\/state-regional\/virginia-politics\/jeff-schapiro\/schapiro-cantor-s-efforts-are-part-of-a-larger-battle\/article_f524817a-4ea4-57b7-9a64-ddbcb47ec8db.html" target="_blank">Some local commentary.</a>

Yesterday, on the way to work, I saw one of his big roadside signs had been vandalized with black spray paint, "Asshole." I had a good chuckle. On my way home, the big sign had been taken down and replaced with a handful of the smaller lawn signs.

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Probably a part of Ford's supply chain.

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When I saw it, I immediately notified authorities. The operator on the non-emergency line at the Richmond PD told me, "Hey, if the shoe fits . . ."

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