I think they only promised to reopen the schools. Which they did... sophistry, I know!

/s... as if you didn't already guess!

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So librarians and teachers are the enemies of children.And theocratic politicians that hate women and LGBT are their friends.And people believe this.

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That was because they were writing to be heard. In those days, books were rare objects and people often read aloud so that others could listen. The vivid, concrete language of the KJV is intended to be heard and to call up vivid, concrete pictures in the mind: "What mean ye that ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor? saith the Lord God of Hosts." grind the faces of the poor... that's positively painful.

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We're going to have to start some kind of underground bookmobile for the slave-to-television states.

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Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

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I once took the Freedom From Religion Foundation's online test of my 'Bible Knowledge' and got a great score. They asked a lot of question's about smut in the bible and I knew the answer to every one. Every. Single. One. Because when a young man has bible study foisted upon him in his youth he naturally tends to read and reread the parts where all the action is!

BTW- they surprised me with questions about what Jesus himself thought about slavery. He may have been cool about Love, Peace and Understanding but he was decidedly retro about human slavery.

BTW #2- They congratulated people who took and flunked their test; those people had been spared personal damage. For me, with a high score of correct answers, they sent along their sympathy and well wishes hoping that I get well soon.

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While I agree, I wasn’t suggesting that the demagogues are genuinely afraid of the former. Instead, they’re targeting parents who don’t know shit about sexuality. The goal of the demagoguery is exactly what you describe - marginalization and persecution of people are “different.”

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Is it possible that the stupider something is, the better it plays for the profoundly stupid?

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Libraries are lib-tard strongholds where people can learn things! Bad for the GQP.

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Speaking of a marked lack of humility and measured reason...

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Also on their dead bodies. This frothing, dot-eyed bigotry does not end well for a lot of transfolk, one way or another.

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after studying the nominee’s record and watching her performance this week I saw that she'd been Black in the past and was Black this week, so...

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It reads the pornography, or it rows those hoes.

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Did you do time with Alex?

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Sin yourself scarlet and then go wash it off on Sundays, is the way they operate.

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Buks are big, heavy, and sometimes smelly, but if we join forces with the weed smugglers, the buks will certainly get to the chillen.

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