Stop denying this good Christian woman her fundamental religious rights!

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Psssst...Crazy lady....Jesus was Jewish.

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Only five years maximum for each count?

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Religion and mental illness tend to be a bad combo. In this case a bad violent combo.😇😈

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When does she run for Congress?

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''...a move which most Christians would recognize from Paul’s Letter to the Luchadores....''

I'm surprised you're quoting from the Newer Testament's Apocrypha Dok. That's heresy! Right on!!!! :-}

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You mean Rick Santorum.

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I know be knowin nuffin bout Ricky's crew, but


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Love the avatar

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In all honesty, I've been pleasantly surprised. It's an elective class: "Special topics in chemistry" and they have thus far impressed me with their enthusiasm and inquisitiveness.

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YAY! I remembered my password.

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I agree— it's clear she's mentally ill, but if it hadn't been for her religious obsession, would she have had any reason to go to A.G.'s place and stomp her? It sounds as if her only motivation was her awareness of A.G.'s Jewishness/need to be saved.

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One year, when I was a church choir director, I gave up patience for Lent.

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My first thought was, now who would be stupid enough to mess with our Editrix thusly. Then I remembered that Idaho != Montana, even for very large values of Idaho.

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it does have a panhandle

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Yeah. And when are the white leaders going to speak out against such thuggishness in their community, henngh?

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