I'm so sorry, Dok. Thanks for bringing this matter to national attention. I guess Idaho kids are going to not know physical books as much as other children. Maybe all this attempted censorship will just hasten the demise of printed materials.

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"Davidson also claimed the YA fiction novel Red Hood was “obscene”"

Would he have been more amenable to it if it had been called "White Hood" instead? We have questions!

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These people miss the obvious, they do not have to patronize these libraries they can just order their books at home.

If I had my way no one would be allowed to hang a thomas Kinkaide painting with light again. I don't want to see them.

No one would be allowed to hang a flag so it is sitting in Mud (my right wing neighbors used to do it, because they would hang their flag and leave it out in the rain until is was so wet the pole would bend and the flag would be in the mud. They used to criticize me for taking my flag in in bad weather and in for the night.

All lights would be green towards me when I am driving, I don't care if people have to wait longer.

no one would b e allowed to talk on the phone when I am riding a bus. I always think they are talking to me.

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I think that for them, "civil society" is a zero sum affair. Simply not patronizing the libraries wouldn't be sufficient for their purposes: a tiny amount of their tax monies is being used to fund the libraries, and they must think they should never have to "subsidize" anything that they don't fully agree with. It's such an obstinate perspective that it would be hard to keep a society going if that's the operative principle. You and I could object that we don't want to pay for any smidgeon of right-wing-tending books, and then we might have no libraries at all.

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They just have to make all the decisions. no other opinion is accepted.

control freaks.

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Ta, Dok. I am so horrified that I may never set foot in Idaho again, despite my love for the landscape. Fucking fuckers. Meanwhile, "religious" leaders are the groomers.

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I'm so sick of these halfwit, trailer trash, banjo picking, cousin fucking, three toed having, farm animal violating mangy assholes thinking that they are the bosses of everyone. Books were my only respite as a weird, fat, lonely little girl. The only joy I had a lot of the time. The fact that these jackholes want to rob some other poor weird little misfits from having that is almost too much for me. This absolute assault on truth and decency and normality is really weighing on me right now. 🤬🫤😔

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Speaking of rightwing parents...Moms For Liberty's wonderful Tiffany Justice (a misnomer if ever there was one) started off the day by calling Levar Burton "a moron".

Golly, the Fuck Your Feelings ilk sure is a little sensitive...


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Lavar Burton is a national treasure and those moms for libertines aren't fit to shine the bottom of his shoes. 🤬

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Big facts.

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How does one promote gender dysphoria?

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Yeah, are they "grooming" kids to be cis het? Yes, why yes they are...

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18

By prohibiting discussion, education, diagnosis, and/or treatment of it.

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"We're trans, not blands, get used to it!"

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Just wondering - if it were to prevail against a legal challenge, wouldn't they have to prove that such materials are "harmful" to children? How would they do that? Are there any credible studies, research, or data that confirms that assertion?

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Their feelings don't care about your facts.

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It would be a completely unworkable mess. But that's the whole point. Why only ban some books when you can just drive the library out and effectively ban access to all books?

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These people are not moved by verifiable evidence; they respond only to prayer and imagined responses by Gawd, strategies developed by Republican think tanks, or direct bribes. Since they are incapable of introspection, they can only imagine that others superficially "think" and react as they do, hence the beliefs that one, scientists are all crooks and two, all judges that rule against them are leftwing judges.

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11-2 FFS

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Brad little sounds too sensible to be an Idaho Republican. He must be a RINO.

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"the committee chair asked a House page to collect the library copy Davidson brought to the hearing, but then said, no, maybe not, since the page was a minor. "

So a minor can't even /touch/ a disapproved book?

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Perversion by osmosis 🙄

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Close the libraries and the schools. Send everyone home and make the parents solely responsible for their kids' learning, reading, and whatever. Who needs schools when you can just have the kids trucked out to the farms and have them pick crops. No need for daycare either. What could go wrong?

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I'm an asshole and I approve this message.

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PARENT'SRIGHTS to make choices for their own children seems like a concept lost on these Karen's.

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Jaron Crane of Nampa?

Sci-fi porn name for sure.

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But what of all the little minds that were twisted when they were groomed with "Hop on Pop."

Won't someone think of the children!!!

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I am a librarian in Georgia. We got a notice that several libraries around the state have been contacted by Orwellian “first amendment auditors” who wish to come with video cameras and accuse us of being groomers.

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Tell them that unless they’re there to actually use the library’s resources, they can fuck off or be arrested for trespassing.

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I wish I could but a confrontation is exactly what they are looking for. The best course of action is to calmly explain the libraries policy on filming.

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Privacy laws might apply here. Can't just show up and start filming people without consent.

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If they're in public, you absolutely can.

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Can I come to your office and just start filming you? Not sure why a librarian should receive any less protection because they happen to work in a library.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19

My office is not public, hon. Public libraries are.

As long as you are in a public space, you can be filmed without consent.

This is a good thing, because it means you can film cops.

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first move: "NO."

second move: put all your grannies out front. aunt bee looks nice but she won't take any crap.

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