No true Republican, anyway...

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I'm probably closer to an "anti-theist" than an atheist (though I hate both terms, but that's a whole other ball of fish) and I DEFINITELY think this guy is an asshole.

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Assholes never do. Also, they have no insight into the fact that they are assholes. OT thank you for the link to When Life Nearly Died. I done bought myself a prezzie after I read the description.

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The one thing this proves for sure is that guns really do kill people.

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'No true responsible gun owner..."

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Richard Dawkins (also “liked” by Hicks) condemned the murders on Twitter: “How could any decent person NOT condemn the vile murder of three young <strike>US Muslims</strike> <u>people</u> in Chapel Hill?”

FIFY, Richard.

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Here's a nice list of atheist murderers to consider (has actual footnotes):http://www.thomism.org/athe...

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If those Muslim students had been armed, this wouldn't have happened.

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What we should say is "douchebags are prone to violence and murder." For you see, douchebags come in all colors and flavors, and every denomination and system of belief. Selah.

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Yes, as any devout Christian will tell you, the only thing that keeps religious people from committing continuous murder, robbery and rape is fear of eternal punishment in the afterlife.

Also, people of all faiths or lacking any get <i>really mad</i> about parking for some reason.

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Why hasn't every atheist denounced this violence?

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Looks like the woman on the right is wearing some kind of modified burka. They're all smiling in celebration of 9/11 or ISIL or Sharia Law. And the man is wearing a V-neck shirt. "V" for "victory over Christianity"

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I'm sure nobody in the media will note the difference between "anti-theist" and "atheist." Because why ruin a good story with facts?

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I'll bet President Obama won't even bring himself to say "progressive atheism."

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Unless there's more than one atheist in America (unpossible!), we're done.

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Oh, Huckabee and Santorum will love this - anything forth them to pontificate about how "If people believed in God, etc." and "moral degredation". They just need to work on not smiling like ghouls while doing it.

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