Testosteroneous brain-damaged popinjay Hank Williams Jr., who has made a 50-year-career of having been ejected from the testicle of an actual musical genius and American treasure, is not very happy with known African-American Barry Bamz.
There is no Tesla museum? Fuck me. I can only chip in a teeny, but I will, because we must have a museum for the most authentic mad scientist of modern times.
I don't know if you can single-handedly coin a meme, but it certainly deserves an upfist, and I'll look for an opportunity to support it.
Paultard, I think.<br />Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
He was hanging out at Occupy Wall Street, and speaking up for Wisconsin unions, so there&#039;s that.
Yes, because there&#039;s that whole black man/white woman thing.
Not a bad career move, that.
I wish Junior would stay dead for a few years for tax purposes.
Specifically, pig shit.
Oh great, I&#039;m seven hours late.
There is no Tesla museum? Fuck me. I can only chip in a teeny, but I will, because we must have a museum for the most authentic mad scientist of modern times.
Wait, isn&#039;t this Londinium libel?
He&#039;s so authentick his real names isn&#039;t &quot;Hank&quot; or &quot;Jr.&quot;
How about Zombie Tesla? No? Well, shit.
I don&#039;t know if you can single-handedly coin a meme, but it certainly deserves an upfist, and I&#039;ll look for an opportunity to support it.
Arlo&#039;s pretty good. But he ain&#039;t Woody.
He doesn&#039;t hate it...he&#039;s just not going to work there any more.
I refuse to believe that he was ever friends with a member of Zep.
Who is number one?
Hank Williams Jr is proof that talent and brains often skip a generation. Even HWIII shows potential to not be a monumental douche bag like Jr