Good news, America!
Either way, she should just quit half-way through considering.
sarah has stumpy legs and that picture (now) on newsweek shows it.
that's why she's pissed.
Barb! Where you been? Did Rebecca's visit put you off the air?
The "Freedom Party" would channel the munnies to Palin. That is the diff.
They could do a remix. That's excellent.
Yeah, there is that.
A Firesign reference is welcome in this context.
Surveyor's Marks, pls.
Oh, they were available. But they might have contradicted the Working Assumption.
I've always preferred "fuckwad", myself.
And the occasional secret hold.
Fuck, I feel sorry for that kid.
Oh, come on.
All of them. Lionel.
Actually, in AK, same number of folks either way.
The founders really fucked up on the Senate.
The Republican Party is abandoning conservatives by adopting all their positions then getting destroyed in elections.
Does explain how he came to imagine a million-moron march.
Either way, she should just quit half-way through considering.
sarah has stumpy legs and that picture (now) on newsweek shows it.
that's why she's pissed.
Barb! Where you been? Did Rebecca's visit put you off the air?
The "Freedom Party" would channel the munnies to Palin. That is the diff.
They could do a remix. That's excellent.
Yeah, there is that.
A Firesign reference is welcome in this context.
Surveyor's Marks, pls.
Oh, they were available. But they might have contradicted the Working Assumption.
I've always preferred "fuckwad", myself.
And the occasional secret hold.
Fuck, I feel sorry for that kid.
Oh, come on.
All of them. Lionel.
Actually, in AK, same number of folks either way.
The founders really fucked up on the Senate.
The Republican Party is abandoning conservatives by adopting all their positions then getting destroyed in elections.
Does explain how he came to imagine a million-moron march.