Is this good news for "Juan"?

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I was told he was buggering the Indians for Christ (S.O. used to be in the seminary)and that was why he was "martyred"

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Did Jimi Hendrix open for the Monkees? (True story!)

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The Imperial Russian Army, advancing across submerged bridges?

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Hey Apple, FBI Director James Comey wants to be your new "backdoor" man.

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In his campaign stump speeches Donald Trump is inspiring his people just like Cesar Chavez.

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The Democratic Party was actually founded by Martin Van Buren from remnants of Thomas Jefferson's Republican (aka Democrat-Republican) party. Jackson was just the new party's first successful candidate. It was originally the party of rural small farmers, frontier settlers and wage laborers in opposition to urban industrialists, financiers and commercial interests who eventually gravitated to the Whig party. Van Buren's party wasn't originally focused on them, but its Jeffersonian agrarianism and opposition to industrialization in the early years led to the Democratic Party gaining the support of Southern plantation owners.

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"What if this is as good as it gets?"

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Look, he used 'Democratic" correctly in a sentence!! Babysteps... or in the case of Darrell, shorter tantrums.

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"Andy Jackson, the founder of the Democratic party if you will"

Actually, it has nothing to do with whether or not I will, it is history that won't and doesn't.

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So wait--he's making the detainees walk from Cuba to the Federal prisons on the mainland?

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So does this mean that Mr. Issa wants President Obama's picture on the $20 bill?

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It's mah birthday so I will totally be doing that later. Whooooooo.

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My grandmother is returning from the grave to kick this guy's butt.

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Like any Republican gives a shit about the Cherokee, ever.

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Uhm....the Trail of Tears was not considered unconstitutional because them injuns were not white. Sort of like how the Republicans think Bamz is not constitutional because the blah guy isn't white.See? Parallels!

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