Shit...Costco announces it in August when they get rid of all their summer stuff and pull in Christmas & winter stuff. Like I'm buying thick sweaters in August or Christmas decorations. Yes I am a blashphemer.

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Give it 20.

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Thank you for pointing this out. American Christianist's whining about being persecuted (i.e. not getting their way or getting criticized for their bigotry) drives me batshit crazy.

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I think it falls somewhere within "Thou shalt not bear false witness..."

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You just made my day.

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The chicken neck gives 'em away every time.

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He made more movies after 'Thunderdome'?

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BLOOD LIBUL!!11!!! Oh, wait...

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Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

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Mahatma Gandhi said: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

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I said, "Those pizza bigots who were Holocausted" in front of a mirror, and, when I was through, I didn't look any smarter. Do you have to do it with a special accent?

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And the lube is optional!

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Which restroom is the congressman using? We have to know.

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She's not paranoid, that just the 100 tabs of acid talking...http://s2.favim.com/orig/28...

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As a proud member of the Gay Mafia, this news about the Gaystapo concerns me. We don't want to step on each others territory. Furthermore - how do I know we won't end up performing the same songs during Homosexual Karaoke By Lie-Bruls On the Coasts night? I would be pretty embarrassed if I performed a Bonnie Tyler song right after someone like Lindsay Graham!

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The Freedom Caucus is made up of an alliance between the Popular Freedom Front of Tennessee and the Tennessee Popular Freedom Front.

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