When you stop trying to justify war crimes

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Word search they copied from a Denny's placemat.

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Do a layover in San Diego and I'll hook you up.

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Zyclon B was legal at the time so it was okay.

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Ivanka must have been OTR.

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Those are nice sheets for the talking heads.

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That sounds like fun.

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Be fair - Eric is deeply stupid, so it took a lot of effort for him to remember the talking point that precisely.

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This is why every single comedy show plays Eric like he's brain damaged.


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https://twitter.com/OhNoShe... my favorite tweet of the day.

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Oh boy, Trump just figured out his get out of jail free card!

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The entire Trumpscum family is a stain on humanity.

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Say Erik, that he warned Pooty before hand and got their say so is proof that he IS connected still.QED mother fucker

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