He's more of a "Christian" grifter. He dupes the rubes into sending him money, so he can buy a jet for himself Jesus. Soooo...he's not exactly someone who is attempting to genuinely be a good Christian.

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I spent too much time watching Jay step on his dick, but forced my masochistic self to hear him repeat the same bs talking points. The man has no dick left, if he had one to begin with.

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DSIF...is an old metric for measuring the Dick Stepping Incident Frequency of arrogant politicians and their attorneys that dates back to the Roman Empire.

And I have added a new metric...DSIFWTS for attorneys like Jay Sekalow...Dick Stepping Incident Frequency With Track Shoes. Feel free to plot the data along a trendline during future MTP or CNN interviews by Sekalow.

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“I do not think the denial by the president of the United States is suspect at all.” translates roughly to "I am far too stupid to be entrusted with adult responsibilities like driving a car or raising a child."

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Dissing Uranus doesn't ever end well.

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Now - only six more days to go every week and you'll be getting somewhere.

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Apparently not - that seat was reserved for yet another fine upstanding Russian citizen with some unfortunate money laundering charges on his record. But as previously noted on Wonkette, the meeting was a clown car, so more may yet come tumbling out. (don't forget Reince whazzisname was spotted at the Eye of Sauron that day too!)

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I also see a lot of "Nathan Thurm" in this guy.

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No - I wish. But he is also NOT telling us that LH was at the meeting, nor was the USSS in their tweet. They simply stated that Don, Jr was not their protectee. They don't mention whether their job is to protect their actual protectee from his own stupidity.

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I had to look up how to pronounce "Magent-ski" (thanks for that) but then I am not a Jesus for everyone lawyer who should have the resources to have interns make sure any questionable words are vetted.

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No, but if you say contradictory things on tv from in court, it gets the judge's attention and gets you looked at. And if you parrot your clients lies in court and your client changes his tune (a very likely happening with the Trump bunch) that gets looked at too. Smarter to stay quiet at this point.

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Worst job in the world:A.) Crack whoreB.) Outhouse maintenanceC.) Trump's lawyerD.) Too close to call

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And how about Trump's other lawyer, who is now facing discipline for e- mailing a critic 'You better watch your back. I know where you live' plus 'fuck off' etc.

Question: can the client talk some sense to his lawyer, get him to calm down? Maybe Trump will call him in for an advisory chat.

And then bill his ass off.

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Sounds as though this guy is also stepping on some Trump dick.

And getting paid for it.

Assuming the Trumps actually pay their lawyers this time.

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I think they are too close to call because they are basically the same job described in slightly different terms.

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I the end I didn't buy Sevin spray, it was too expensive (1 bottle $13). I spoke to a neighbor, who had a bad infestation in her fruit trees, and she makes her own Beetle Juice out of red cedar oil and nicotine. She gave me some, and it worked. Smells bad, though. But most of them flew away and didn't come back, which means they are probably eating someone else's roses now.

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