In Texas, we don't even require air conditioning or anything for our prisons. You know, in the state where summers are usually over 100ºF on a regular basis? D;

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Holy shit balls. I grew up in Phoenix, and if memory serves, Arpaio's 8th-amendment-violating tent city from hell was similarly un-airconditioned (and it's easily 110-115 degrees during the day in the summer). Thank dog that fucker is out of power and that nightmare factory was finally shut down.

I would have figured it was obvious, but it should not be legal to treat human beings like that (or pets or anyone else for that matter).

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We do have laws on the books that require the animal shelters have air conditioning. So we actually do treat our animals better than our prisoners.

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I'm approaching the point in my life where I am considering having children and I'm not gonna lie this is probably the biggest thing that gives me pause about doing it

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Obama already did that with Bush. Then look who came next.

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We moved to this house eight years ago. The first few years we needed the tractor several times each winter to clear the driveway; but over the last three years I've needed it ONCE, and if I'd waited a few days it would have melted away on its own. Temps are all over the place, and we've skirting a drought for ages. Despite having sources of fresh water on three sides.Oh, and lakes up north that would reliably freeze over before Christmas are now either slush-covered, or stay open except for a thin scum of ice that only lasts a few days.Climate change denialists should be made to stand on a street corner in Libreville without a hat.

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Because of course.

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I originally wrote, “I so hope that isn’t the case,” but... I do wish that weren’t the case.

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You mean the way that NATO is already there? Trying to get the Iraqis to be able to stand on their own feet after Baby Bush destroyed their military capabilities?

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Early on, when they first disrupt, the systems become erratic. We still have some time, but not much. Knowing people, I'd say not enough.

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It won't be enough. You have no way of keeping all this from happening again. And again. And again.

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Let's find out!

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It would be irresponsible not to experiment.

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Global warming? pffft, this is all the result of Hurricane Dorian not doing what Trump ordered it to do -- hit Alabama.

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I (god knows why) looked at breitfart a while back, and a total "scientist" "proved" that there was NO CC because he had proved it didn't exist cuz he had taken the temperature in his backyard and proved it so. Yeah.........................

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I've only had to shovel once this year. That was on Halloween.

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