Yes, we are still in grave danger and not out of the woods. But we also have avantages, and should press them hard while we can. Losing 2022 would be a serious catastrophe. We can't afford to slip back, we need a strong repudiation.

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Sometimes even when facing a Cheney, you can get shot in the face.

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Y'all might want to take a horrifying stroll through "Close To Zero: How Donald Trump fulfilled his apocalyptic vision and paid his debt to Putin with a devastating biological warfare attack on America" by Jonathan Vankin. The author bases his thesis on exactly what Trump did throughout the pandemic, and relies entirely on the public record. It makes perfect sense, because Trump glories in cruelty. Vankin is convinced that Trump did not mishandle the pandemic through incompetence, rather he handled it exactly the way he wanted to.

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Fuckin' A.

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tRump is indeed comparable to Hitler except in one crucial area. Competence.

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This is true, never accept an invitation to go hunting with a Cheney. You may be the trophy they bag.

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Thank you for your gracious reply.

I think she was awesome. Hugs to you too.

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And he's not going away, until or unless the proper law enforcement puts him away.

Lucky for us there are multiple jurisdictions looking at his criminal activity, with three of them being in my own New York State.

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the MAGAs will never vote for a smart person.

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Because a smart person would be one of the elite. It's a dichotomy that may save us

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MY guess is that it was probably something of a mixture. But it's clear that Trump and his team knew exactly what they were doing and what the outcome would be. It's not as if no one was saying so, or other countries weren't grappling with similar situations. Whatever Trump's motives, his management of the Covid crisis cannot, absolutely, be described as "inept bungling."

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I wasn't beyond either his capabilities or those of the people who run the DOD. But the ideology of his followers is isolationist, and he would not have gotten any benefit from a military adventure. The only motive he might have had to start one would have been in late 2020 in order to try to declare an emergency and suspend the election, in order to undermine the democratic institutions of the Constitutions. But military emergencies tend to make Americans pull together and stand stronger - not his goal.

Case in point: 2 weeks after 9/11, when Giuliani was being praised to the skies as America's Mayor, and everyone in the world was clinging to his every word, he floated the idea of suspending the mayoral election and remaining mayor indefinitely, "during the crisis." He was immediately told to take a hike.

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Mutual stooges, perhaps. Trump has made his ambitions clear since the early 1980s. He tried to run for president a couple of times before. His contempt for democracy has been on the record for decades.

One branch of the GOP favors ending the Constitution - that is now clear. Hard to say if the party knew what they were buying when they chose Trump, but they know now and have not backed down.

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according to an old Wonkette post, he was carrying some pipe (while eating frozen custard)(tried to search the archives but dunno how far back it goes.)

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He knows he can manipulate you over the phone so stay strong. You already know you don't want that in your life anymore.

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"Joe Biden kept talking about how good of a job he's doing on the distribution of the Vaccine ... He's not doing well at all," Trump wrote in a tweemail, adding, "He's way behind schedule, and people are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don't trust his Administration, they don't trust the Election results and they certainly don't trust the Fake News, which is refusing to tell the Truth."


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