If Charlie Kirk And The Other Republicans Can't Get Along, They Should Just Fight
Can they all lose?
Was the hidden hand of Charlie Kirk behind last week’s defenestration of Ronna Romney McDaniel from her position as head of the Republican National Committee? The answer seems to be a resounding “depends on who you ask.”
NBC News reports that yes indeed, Kirk and his Hitler Youth organization, Turning Point USA, had been pushing for McDaniel’s ouster for more than a year, and he had been doing his level best to make her job harder:
McDaniel blamed him for some of the RNC’s fundraising woes, saying his organization is collecting from donors who would otherwise fund a more robust party effort.
To be fair, if your job was mostly fundraising and you sucked at it as badly as McDaniel, you would also try to cast blame elsewhere.
And while Kirk, a man who looks like someone used Photoshop’s Pinch tool on him and then forgot to push Undo, might have gotten his way on this one, he also allegedly pissed off quite a few Republicans who have been warning Donald Trump about him for a while, specifically regarding his racism:
[Pastor Darrell] Scott said he could “neither confirm nor deny” that the conversation with Trump took place. But he acknowledged that he has heard from people close to Trump who share his view that Kirk’s commentary may harm the former president’s prospects with Black voters. […]
“Trump is f---ing pissed that Charlie is out causing problems for him in the Black community,” said another person close to Trump who claimed direct knowledge of his thinking.
Some Republicans still hilariously think that they can keep the party’s racism on the downlow — which is a little bit like the Boston Red Sox trying to keep the fact that they play baseball on the down low — and they can’t do that if Kirk is running around telling people that MLK is undeserving of a federal holiday or that Black airline pilots make him nervous. Which is why they are telling Kirk to ix-nay on the a-cismray:
“There are a number of others that are not in agreement with Charlie’s bullcrap and that are saying we don’t need this,” Scott added. “Every single call I’ve got from some people high up in the Republican Party and people high up in the Trump orbit — they’re all on my side. They’re all saying, ‘I’m glad you’re telling him to shut up.’”
Are they telling him to shut up because such bigotry is immoral, or because voters might notice? We know which way we’re leaning.
Turning Point defended Kirk, if you can call this a defense:
Turning Point USA pointed to a number of right-wing influencers and activists, including Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh, Tim Pool and Allie Beth Stuckey, who came to his defense, saying he was not being racist but making what have become frequent criticisms from conservatives about the consequences of diversity initiatives.
Kirk wasn’t criticizing the alleged consequences of diversity initiatives because of racism, he criticized them because they empower Black people. Got it.
Also if you haven’t enjoyed hearing Charlie Kirk and a bunch of white guys who look like an ad campaign for Hellmann’s debate the finer points of judging airline pilots if their name is LaQueesha, you should pop a hospital pharmacy’s worth of beta blockers before you check it out.
For what it’s worth, Trump surrogates denied that the former president is pissed at Kirk, with Donald Trump Jr. telling NBC that no, no, of course his father still loves the leader of the American Jungvolk.
There is another possibility, which is that this is all part of a cash grab by Kirk and the COO of Turning Point, Tyler Bowyer. According to NBC, the latter also runs a company called Superfeed Technologies, which has designed an app to help boost the GOP’s canvassing and voter outreach efforts. An obvious byproduct of such work is that the app would collect all sorts of voter data that Superfeed could turn around and sell for a nice profit, depriving the RNC of money it would normally bring in for renting and selling its own voter lists.
It’s a good grift! And Charlie Kirk reportedly has a $4.75 million mansion in Arizona and a beachside condo on Florida’s Gulf Coast he’d like to keep making mortgage payments on, while hoping no one notices that Turning Point has a habit of backing losers like, oh, its entire slate of endorsed candidates in Kirk’s adopted home state of Arizona in 2022.
Except for Kari Lake, who is obviously going to get her loss overturned just as soon as she finishes losing a Senate campaign.
We encourage Charlie Kirk to keep being an unrepentant bigot and complete moron, it makes our job easier.
[NBC News / MeidasTouch]
Please help Wonkette achieve our dream of buying Charlie Kirk’s mansion and converting it into the Abortionplex.
Some of us old heads on here remember how, in 1988, Los Angeles Dodger’s GM Al Campanis made some comments about black players lacked certain “qualities” to be coaches and managers. Which was his way of basically saying blacks are too stupid for those jobs.
His comments were met with universal condemnation and he was fired within 48 hours and he never was a part of MLB again.
Today these kinds of comments are said by all kinds of prominent people, including elected officials, without any consequences whatsoever.
Shows how we’ve actually regressed in many ways since then.
Charlie Kirk's entire career was launched off his racism.
He failed to get admitted to West Point and blamed it on affirmative action giving "his" place to a Black person. He had no evidence for this, of course, but it was enough to give him an in to the lucrative world of right wing grievance media.