The version I read says it was buried in someone's backyard in Ukraine. Which is extra batshit.

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That is a great article. I'm just waiting for the dam to break on her shady bullshit. Sounds like her entire campaign may be a front to funnel money back to her weird-ass religious cult.

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China's on line 2.

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That baby that Sean had to abruptly resign to spend time with is a couple weeks old now, and obviously old enough to go out and get a damn job to take care of itself so Daddy can get back in the spotlight.

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Nine kids??? WTF and why? I am constantly amazed by anyone of child bearing years, in this day and age, creating families of such large numbers.

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The hit man was Jimmy Hoffa's twin brother. He's, like, 104 years old! Weird, right??

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Right Wing Republicans: FAKE NEWS!Pre-Duffy CNN: What? No, we're not ... yet.

Apparently CNN took this as a request. Not that that's a bad interpretation, but still...

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That Billy Gibbons really had a different look back in the 90's.

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Kinda hoping they do it so they can mock them mercilessly

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Puck from Season 3 of The Real World would be better than this numbnuts.

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The risk of health problems for both mother and baby goes up after age 35, & even more after age 40. Surely they knew that?

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Sure, but these people actually believe they're building an army for God. Dunno what they have to say about the increasing likelihood of birth defects and various incapacities that come along with having babies until your uterus just gives up.

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It's the New York Times effect. They figure if it works for Dean Baquet, it'll work for everybody.

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that would imply she had any say in how her body should be treated.

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People would fall off of it. Ergo, even if it did exist, no one would know. Stupid libs.

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ok I sort of disagree with you robyn, I actually want to hear republicans answer the basic question "how on earth are you people falling for this super obvious con?" if all the republicans can go on their safe space at fox news, they never have to confront people who tell them that their bullshit conspiracy theories sound insane to the rest of us. I'm still waiting for an elected republican to answer the question "is it OK to seek foreign help in an election" but even if they dodge it on CNN, they sure as hell are never gonna get asked that question on fox

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