I think most of America would like a shutdown of Tim Tebow until we find out what the hell is going on.

I would personally like Donald Trump shut down as well, except we know what the hell is going on there.

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It's not things I want to punch.

With votes, of course.

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Back when they made the chocolate ex-lax, it was quite easy to get a great deal into a chocolate cake.

Don't ask how I know this.

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I don't think he was ever scared of any teacher, of any subject. He knew his grades didn't matter. All that mattered was having the money and his moronic name, and every door would open for him.

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Try a gumball.

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every time I would try to balance my check book, there was always some sort of factor I didn't account for like viscosity or refractive index and would end up overdrawing my account so I gave up.

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Yeah, I thought Garland was a dude.

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I truly believe the only reason accounting was required for CS majors back in the 80s was as a hint that we should really write some software so everyone could stop doing it by hand. As soon as I had software to do the checkbook managing, I stopped doing it myself.

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Telling that he said or another man, not or another conservative judge, eh? You just can't trust those wimmens.

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... wouldn't they have to refund the money he paid for it?

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I think that "Dead Scalia's Penis" would want everybody to listen. Because the band would be able to explain the original intent of punk. Or reggae. Or metal. Or folk. Whatever genre works for you.

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Did anyone check to make sure he was using the correct bathroom? It's not without precedent. LBJ submitted to this check all the time.

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How many fingers are there, Winston?

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Yeah but, Trump prefers Corinthians who don't get crucified.

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From your lips to God(dess)'s ear.

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