DuPont, the polluters of all things living and dead. I remember when they were famous for paint. Then they were famous for wrinke-free fabrics. Then they were famous for non-stick cookware. Suddenly, people discovered all of the great products had an unintended consequences side of the equation, poison everywhere, the water, the air, the land, the animals, including people. But he family was rich and famous and very Republican. The names of DuPont and Deleware were practically interchangeable. So, too, were the names DuPont and environmental disaster. But, the family was rich, and famous, and very Republican. They gave lots of people jobs and lined the pockets of their shareholders with gold. The Congress, always vigilant, gave them many tax breaks, and all was well with the world. This is the story our leaders should read to elementary students instead of My Little Pony.

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You would have to put all the leadership in jail or hiring a platoon of stooges to do nothing but take the fall would become SOP.

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i don't have an anti-science viewpoint* but i am concerned with the spread of roundup-resistant plant varieties for the simple fact that they allow a lot more roundup into the environment . . . this makes me wonder about the thoroughness and even the honesty of the research done showing roundup to be "harmless" except to weeds when it meets the complicated world of the ecology.

i have similar questions about GMOs designed to produce toxins that kill/deter crop pests . . . what happens to these new chemicals when the stalks/roots left behind after harvesting begin to decompose.

the decomposition products of roundup and GMOs will make their way into the water table and from there to streams, lakes and inlets . . . what is the effect on these environments? . . . what will be en(/dis)couraged to grow?

some of the effects might actually be beneficial . . . the problem is that we just don't know.

as for the monsantos and duponts . . . i don't think anybody should be allowed to patent a lifeform unless you designed the entire DNA of the organism not just modified something existing . . . i also think that it should be illegal to withhold any research/testing data when asking for permission to let something loose in the environment.

i think some money should be spent answering these and other concerns, not that all research should be stopped.

on a scale of one-to-ten of egregious harm done to scientific progress, i think asking for informative labeling rates about a zero.

*you may disagree . . . feel free

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. . . but people not subject to the law . . . a.k.a royalty.

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i think it was Molly Ivins who said that she didn't so much mind the death of journalism but she didn't want to watch it suicide.

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no . . . that was thalidomide.

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now we're outsourcing the poisoning of our water supplies? can't government do anything anymore?

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Not with the funding they got, no. Which is to say near none at all.Here be the thing: Agencies, like say, the EPA, are often staffed by local people who, by the way, are often related to local politicians, who, coincidentally, really like a little wink and a nudge and a handjob by companies like, I don't know, DuPont.Sprinkle in the few truly dedicated (they do exist, I have met them, they are fabulous) and truly educated agents who constantly kick up a fuss, add a dash of how that kind of agent NEVER gets a promotion and often is paid less than JoBob brother of Mayor Klum and so end up leaving in disgust and joining the private sector, gently fold in two double helpings of jerb creating conservative fiscal policiesand TADA!Insta win, right?

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What about good ole stoneware? I like stones. They are terrific, wonderful. Cermaic too, good stuff, someone should look into that.Course that is a bit old school and parching is soooooo 8000 BCE

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Well, unless you use a metal spatula.

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Percisely what I figured. It is easier to blame the quick don't stick your kid! Thing than to change lifestyle or try to affect meaningful environmental change.

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Remind me again why they called Saint Ronnie the Perfluorooctanoic President.

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The invisible hand: kill enough of your customers, and your business will suffer.

Of course, even this level of libertardian depravity assumes that people are told the truth, and you don't see much concern for that coming from the right.

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No corporation can exist without the express consent of the Congress and State legislatures. Chew on that for a moment.

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The Beauty of "Globalization":1. Every place is just like every other place2. A handful of people grab most of the money from the work of wage slaves.

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