Normally, I consider myself a non-violent person, but this kind of shit makes me want to hurt someone.

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Anyway there was no one in the Bastille when they got there. No prisoners.

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Just be smart and see it as war. You don't have to be violent. That's how Avenatti is. I never saw anybody like him before.

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I think Steven Avenatti would fight. Why won't Democrats fight?

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I used to write humor for them. But now the Onion tosses off in one day four or five of what I'd struggle to do in a month, making lots of problems for myself.

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Me too. Except for one but I can't put it here because of ignorance but I sent it all over the world to tell people how Trump makes us feel. So great. Anyway, you're right mainly.

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Can't you change your picture???? I'm down on my hands and knees. I'm crawling over big rocks in humble imploring.

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but watch Trump and cheer up

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When he'd talked I wondered where poor people or BLACK people ever figured in his universe. He seemed completely consumed by this upper middle class view of what makes people worthy. Bad for a judge. Yeah and I remember Romney, when faced with 2 black girl teens, in desperation yelled "who let the dogs out?" They laughed awkwardly and he thought that had worked out fantastic!

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Not like Tobin, tho. Gosh, Tobin was great.

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On SNL during the Anita Hill hearing, they showed the senators sitting in a row hearing AH describe the ludicrous creepy remarks Thomas made to her and suddenly Ted Kennedy interrupted her to turn to Thomas and say in an interested voice, "DOES that WORK?"

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You don't have to think that way. If you're not that way, it's absolutely nothing to do with you.

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The Catholic Church? Gosh. Good.

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I completely agree. I think Americans are getting to the point where they want answers about what in the hell is going on with our government. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a lot of progressive, former prosecutor types in the mold of Kamala Harris being elected and those democrats that want to play "civilly" (as IF) will be shown the door. I just think that at this point we are at a tipping point if you will, what the demographers call an "inflection point" perhaps.

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i think the idea that he'll be impeached is far too optimistic. with our current complement of democrats, there will be a lot of hemming and hawing about "civility" and "respect for the institution of the court" and they'll just hope we all forget

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Long-term thinking is not in the Republican DNA.They've pissed of the libtards for the moment, and that's all that matters to those vengeful fascists. And that goes a million-fold for the yahoos who think of this like a football game, not realizing they have supported someone who will make decisions on the court that will harm them and their children for a very goddamn long time.If the Repbilicans had not voted Kavanaugh in, I believe, a lot of their base would have sat home on election day. The possible saving grace is that it will motivate the hell out of women who traditionally don't vote to get off their asses and make their voices heard in November.Here in Georgia the cutoff day for registering to be eligible for the election is Tuesday; make sure all your friends are good to go and show up.

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